‘Welt’ newspaper Commentary: Germany Flood Catastrophe Made Possible By ‘Unimaginable Government Incompetence’ – ‘Unbelievable Scandal’

https://notrickszone.com/2021/07/20/welt-commentary-germany-flood-catastrophe-made-possible-by-inconceivable-ignorance-unbelievable-scandal/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=welt-commentary-germany-flood-catastrophe-made-possible-by-inconceivable-ignorance-unbelievable-scandal ‘Welt’ Commentary: Germany Flood Catastrophe Made Possible By “Inconceivable Ignorance”…”Unbelievable Scandal”NoTricksZone: Not here to worship what i… / by P Gosselin / 3d Germany under water. Photo by P. Gosselin Climate alarmist media waking up? Germany’s climate alarmist media appears to be waking up a little, and thus are not totally buying the claims […]

Recovery of Great Barrier Reef exposes false claims by China and climate alarmists

https://www.thegwpf.com/recovery-of-great-barrier-reef-exposes-false-claims-by-china-and-climate-alarmists/ Recovery of Great Barrier Reef exposes false claims by China and climate alarmistsThe Global Warming Policy Forum / by bennypeiser / 1dThe Great Barrier Reef is showing signs of recovery with some of the best coral coverage recorded in years, according to a survey of the natural wonder conducted by the commonwealth’s chief independent […]

Green Britain faces winter power crunch ‘as two nuclear plants shut down’

https://www.thegwpf.com/green-britain-faces-winter-power-crunch/ Green Britain faces winter power crunchNational Grid ESO WinterThe Global Warming Policy Forum / by bennypeiser / 1dBritain must prepare for low energy supplies this winter as two nuclear plants shut down and workers return to the office, the business behind the power network has warned.Low wind speeds and surging demand in Europe may […]

Impossibly Inconsistent Climate Disaster Claims – an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ Fantasy

https://climaterealism.com/2021/07/impossibly-inconsistent-climate-disaster-claims-an-alice-in-wonderland-fantasy/ Impossibly Inconsistent Climate Disaster Claims – an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ FantasyClimate Realism / by H. Sterling Burnett / 4d Climate alarmists have a problem presenting a consistent narrative on the dangers supposed human-caused climate change poses. Instead, they follow Lewis Carroll’s irrepressible and violent Red Queen down the climate change rabbit hole, as when […]

Global Warming Slides Show No Climate Crisis

https://climaterealism.com/2021/07/global-warming-slides-show-no-climate-crisis/ Global Warming Slides Show No Climate CrisisClimate Realism / by James Taylor / 5h I will be on the main stage at FreedomFest today, joined by my friend Marc Morano of CFACT, for a climate change debate. The link below is for the slides I am presenting for my five-minute opening statement. There is […]

Sen. Manchin Uncommitted To Infrastructure Bill, Cites ‘Impossible’ Climate Targets

https://api.follow.it/track-rss-story-click/v3/4rUNGyamP_c1S3HhVHW8U7b9ICM-PHur Sen. Manchin Uncommitted To Infrastructure Bill, Cites ‘Impossible’ Climate TargetsClimate Change Dispatch / 7hjoe manchin press gaggleSen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) said Thursday he remains uncommitted to the Democrats’ multi-trillion-dollar infrastructure bill, citing climate change carveouts in the package. Manchin said he is not yet committed to the Democrat reconciliation bill, even though Senate Minority […]

Alarmists Scaremongering, Ignore Germany’s Long History Of Massive Flooding

https://notrickszone.com/2021/07/23/alarmists-scaremongering-ignore-germanys-long-history-of-massive-flooding/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=alarmists-scaremongering-ignore-germanys-long-history-of-massive-flooding Alarmists Scaremongering, Ignore Germany’s Long History Of Massive FloodingNoTricksZone: Not here to worship what i… / by P Gosselin / 3hCO2 scaremongering and the truth about German floodsBy Fred F. Mueller Last week we saw flood disasters in various areas of Germany and other European countries, especially in the area of the Ahr River, […]