Climate lockdown: ‘It’s Time To Ban The Sale Of Pickup Trucks’ – ‘Shift away from relying on private vehicles entirely’

Also see: You were warned: UK funded 2019 report ‘Absolute Zero’ urged climate lockdowns: ‘Stop flying…no new roads, airport closures…stop eating beef & lamb…stop doing anything that causes emissions’ – Regulate CO2 similar to ‘asbestos’ Flashback: COVID lockdown: People ‘must make a declaration as to why they need to travel’ – Proposed Climate lockdown: ‘You can’t […]

Biden Admin’s energy policies ‘actively working to undermine American economy & advance the interests of our geopolitical adversaries’ By Francis Menton The great thing about our freedom-based economic system is that the government doesn’t have to do much at all in order for the people to prosper and the economy to grow. Just sit back and watch the people create businesses, put each other to work, and provide for every […]

Watch: The softer side of Climate Depot’s Morano – Interviewed by GOP Congressman Ken Buck for 35 min. on Green New Deal, Overpopulation & agenda behind ‘climate change’

Full Audio of podcast available here:  Republican Colorado Congressman Ken Buck: I sat down this week with Marc Morano, the author of “Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Think.” We discussed how the Left uses the politics of fear about the environment to push radical economic and social policies.