Climate indoctrination delivering dividends for those who would end what makes America great By Joe Bastardi |June 27th, 2021|Climate|119 Comments I refer you to this, a blog on the climate anxiety that is hitting young people: It is becoming clear that the two chapters in my book warning of the Covid, Climate Linkage had merit. The total 4 Chapters below in the Book Set up the entire […]

Electric cars will eventually get us nowhere By Dr. Jay Lehr |June 28th, 2021|Energy|173 Comments One of the most hyped innovations of our life time is today’s electric vehicle. While our federal government and the state of California think the internal combustion engine will soon end in the dustbin of history, it just ain’t so. It will never happen for many obvious […]

‘Science fiction becomes reality’: Flying car completes inter-city test flight A prototype flying car has moved a step closer to production after completing a 35-minute flight between two Slovakian cities. AirCar is a hybrid vehicle that can transform from sports car to aircraft in under three minutes. On Monday, it flew from an international airport in the city of Nitra to another in Bratislava, Slovakia’s […]

BEWARE: Don’t Watch these four 30-second warmist climate ads with Katharine Hayhoe & Bob Inglis! They are said to have magical powers to shift the views of conservatives on climate

    Climate Change and our Christian Faith Video Player 1.00 How Humans are Changing the Climate Video Player 1.00 How Climate Change Threatens National Security Video Player 1.00 An Effective Climate Change Campaign Video Player 1.00 By David Sherfinski | @dsherfinski | Thomson Reuters Foundation Research shows online ads by leading political conservatives […]

Young activists say ‘coward’ Biden must fight harder on ‘climate change’ (Reuters) – Young climate activists carrying signs reading “Biden, you coward – fight for us” and “No climate, no deal” gathered outside the White House on Monday to protest what they called U.S. President Joe Biden’s broken promises and pandering to Republicans. “Biden ran with bold promises for action and climate and we […]

US Heatwave Hype Forgets 1930s: ‘Heatwaves in the US used to be far, far worse in the past’   Why Were US Heatwaves Worse In The Past, Roger? By Paul Homewood       Roger Harrabin thinks the latest heatwave in the Pacific Northwest has been caused by climate change. Maybe he might care to explain why heatwaves in the US used to be far, far worse in the past? […]

Oops! 1995 NYT East Coast Doomsday Prediction Goes Down Toilet – Claimed ‘experts say’ that ‘most of beaches on East Coast of U.S. would be gone’ by 2020 By Joseph Vazquez The climate doom-mongers at The New York Times must now face the reality that their decades-old eco-Armageddon predictions were flat out wrong. The Times screeched in a 1995 story how “some of the predicted effects of climate change may now be emerging for the first time or with increasing clarity.” One of the […]