Watch Morano’s full 13-minute oral testimony:
Watch Morano’s comments at the Press conference with PA legislatures
CFACT’s Morano slams RGGI at Pennsylvania hearing
CFACT’s Marc Morano was invited to testify to the Pennsylvania Environmental Resources & Energy Committee regarding RGGI (the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative).
Morano passionately argued against joining the multi-state cap and trade scheme, saying: “It’s time to confront the wannabe planet savers here in this room and this state and tell them not only NO, but HELL NO!”
RGGI is a program put in place by state governments to cap CO₂ emissions and sell CO₂ allowances. The proceeds from these sales are supposed to be invested in so-called renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind. Morano explained that if regulators really cared about CO2 emissions, they would embrace Pennsylvania’s boom in hydraulic fracturing (fracking) for natural gas, not seek to restrict it.
“It is a shame that the state of Pennsylvania is wading into meaningless climate-inspired regulations,” Morano added. “Pennsylvania has been the energy success story of America. This state has led the way for the United States world-leading CO2 reductions. If you really cared about CO2 reductions, you would be embracing your fracking revolution; you would be embracing Pennsylvania’s energy legacy.”
Morano also warned advocates of RGGI “Don’t mess with Pennsylvania” at a press conference following the hearing.
Full Hearing:
Full Press Conference:
You can watch Morano’s comments at both the hearing and the press conference in two separate videos below:
RGGI is an unconstitutional reg that eliminates immediately thousands of blue collar jobs at plants that can run for 5-10 years. It hikes electric rates for the poor by 18% (28% in Philly). #RGGI doesn’t improve the environment & creates an economic stimulus package for OH.
— Power PA Jobs (@PowerPAJobs) June 25, 2021
Photos from press conference following the climate hearing: