New Study Finds Clams Are Worse Off In Today’s Colder Waters And Lower Sea Levels By Kenneth Richard Clams’ feeding activity, calcification rates, and overall shell density have declined in concert with decreasing sea surface temperatures and the long-term falling sea level trend since the Holocene peak about 6000 years ago. A team of scientists (Cheli et al., 2021) have suggested Earth’s surface temperatures were “up to […]

The Federalist: Marc Morano Talks His New Book ‘Green Fraud: Why The Green New Deal is Even Worse Than You Think’ By Gabe Kaminsky Today, Marc Morano’s book “Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal is Even Worse Than You Think” is out. Recently passed radio legend Rush Limbaugh said Morano is “single-handedly …the guy doing a better job ringing the bells alarming people of what’s going on here.” Morano, the publisher of […]