Will they propose a Weed New Deal?! Colorado’s legal cannabis farms emit more carbon dioxide than its coal mines
https://www.newscientist.com/article/2270366-colorados-legal-cannabis-farms-emit-more-carbon-than-its-coal-mines/?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_campaign=echobox&utm_medium=social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1615274850 Legal cannabis production in Colorado emits more greenhouse gases than the state’s coal mining industry, researchers analysing the sector’s energy use have found. The production and use of cannabis for medical or recreational reasons is now legal in several US states, which has led to a booming industry. Hailey Summers and her colleagues at […]
Watch: Glenn Beck on new climate financial rules: ‘This is the end of capitalism’ – Rips ESG or Environmental, Social, & Governance
Big-name American banks are all in on the plan to give you a "climate credit score". And if you think anyone will be excluded from this, just take a look at EVERYTHING that will be affected. pic.twitter.com/8kOvnup28I — Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) March 5, 2021 Heartland Institutes’s Justin Haskins: “There’s a huge movement of these left-wing […]
Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore Drops Climate & Environmental Bombshells In New Book ‘Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom’
By Penny Sansevieri (via email) Author Marketing Experts, Inc. www.amarketingexpert.com CO2 is not killing the Earth, polar bear populations are growing, coral reefs are not dying, and mass extinction is a complete fantasy. Each of these arguments can be scientifically proven. In his new book Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom, Dr. Patrick Moore gives us the lowdown on the current […]
Wind Power Is a Disaster in Texas, No Matter What Media Says – When freeze hit, ‘electricity from natural gas skyrocketed while wind output fell off a cliff’
https://mises.org/wire/wind-power-disaster-texas-no-matter-what-paul-krugman-says#.YEeOOIm5_Gg.twitter By Robert P. Murphy In the wake of February’s tragic power outages in Texas, during which 4.5 million households suffered service interruptions, partisans on both sides have been quick to interpret the events as confirmation of their preferred energy policies. With news images of helicopters deicing frozen turbines, conservatives lambasted Texas’s increasing reliance on wind power as […]
John Kerry: This must be the ‘decade of action’ on climate change
Kerry on March 9: 'Scientists tell us this decade, 2020 to 2030, must be the decade of action.' Kerry on Jan. 27: 'We could go to zero tomorrow and the problem isn’t solved.' Actual journalists would ask Kerry about this contradiction. https://t.co/mxpuSWwLun — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) March 9, 2021 # https://www.reuters.com/article/us-climate-change-eu-usa/this-must-be-the-decade-of-action-on-climate-change-john-kerry-says-idUSKBN2B11XQ BRUSSELS (Reuters) – This […]
Benjamin Zycher on ESG (Environmental, Social, & Governance Responsibility): ‘A blatant effort to use private-sector resources for ideological purposes’
https://junkscience.com/2021/03/zycher-on-esg-a-blatant-effort-to-use-private-sector-resources-for-ideological-purposes/ By Steve Milloy Read the fabulous Ben Zycher‘s even more fabulous House testimony on the ongoing climate communist bid to convert corporate America into useful idiots via ESG (Environmental Social and Governance), which used to be called CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Click to access ESG-House-Finance-K-Mkts-sub-Zycher-March-2021.pdf
SEC Climate Task Force Tip #1: Delta Airlines’ false & misleading claim about carbon offsets – They are NOT ‘a viable, proven & immediate way to make an impact today’
https://junkscience.com/2021/03/sec-climate-task-force-tip-1-delta-airlines-false-and-misleading-claim-about-carbon-offsets/ By Steve Milloy As of March 4, 2021, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is looking for tips on false and misleading climate disclosures. We welcome this since we petitioned the SEC in August 2019 to take action against climate lying. Here is today’s example (and tip for the SEC) of climate lying from Delta Airlines. […]
Securities & Exchange Commission announces Climate Task Force to punish climate lying & ‘misconduct’
https://junkscience.com/2021/03/sec-announces-climate-task-force-to-punish-climate-lying/ By Steve Milloy I petitioned the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in August 2019 to take action against climate lying. Now, the SEC has set up a task force inside the Division of Enforcement, the part of the Commission that sends people to jail. I wonder if we’re on the same page? We shall see. […]
Where’s the Beach? New York Times Publishes Data-Free Story About Miami’s ‘Rising Seas’
https://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/pj-gladnick/2021/03/03/wheres-beach-new-york-times-publishes-data-free-story-about-miamis The seas are certain to rise in Miami, or so says the New York Times in their story on Tuesday by Christopher Flavelle and Patricia Mazzei, “Miami Says It Can Adapt to Rising Seas. Not Everyone Is Convinced.” Could it be that “not everyone is convinced” because they have yet to see proof that […]