Analysis: Nevada’s $13 billion plan to build solar farms – But ‘the plan is useless & will accomplish absolutely nothing beyond rewarding the governor’s political supporters’

By Norman Rogers

Carbon dioxide emitted in Las Vegas does not stay in Las Vegas.

Carbon dioxide emitted in Beijing does not stay in Beijing.


Nevada governor Sisolak doesn’t follow science; it follows him.
A cadre of scientific yes-men provide cover for the  governor’s bizarre climate scheme. 
Sisolak has a $13 billion plan to build solar farms to reduce Nevada carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This plan is supposed to prevent a Nevada climate disaster. The plan, if it is actually executed, will be a disaster, damaging the reliability of the electric grid and laying waste to square miles of desert.

One of the new solar farms, the $1.75 billion Gemini  project, north of Las Vegas, will have a flammable battery with stored energy equal to 5-million sticks of dynamite. A much smaller battery of this type, in Arizona, caught on fire and exploded.


The plan will have no detectable effect on world climate or Nevada climate because Nevada’s emissions of CO2 are microscopic compared to the rapidly increasing emissions in Asia. Yet the governor has recruited a “team” of Ph.D.’s and government experts to create and support his plan. These experts must know in their heart that the plan is useless and will accomplish absolutely nothing beyond rewarding the governor’s political supporters. These experts know that if they tell the truth about the governor’s plan they will be fired or otherwise marginalized (canceled).

How easy is it for politicians to recruit scientific advisors to endorse even the most obviously defective plans!The default assumption should be that when a politician says he is following the science, he is actually lying.

Some members of the governor’s climate team:


• Stephanie McAfee, PhD, Nevada State Climatologist, Associate Professor, University of Nevada Reno (Lead)
• Michael Dettinger, PhD, California-Nevada Climate Applications Program, Scripps      Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
• Daniel McEvoy, PhD, Western Regional Climate Center & California-Nevada Climate Applications Program, Desert Research Institute
• Julie Kalansky, PhD, California-Nevada Climate Applications Program, Scripps      Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
• Daniel Cayan, PhD, California-Nevada Climate Applications Program, Scripps      Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
• Matthew Lachniet, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Geoscience, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
• Susanne Moser, PhD, California-Nevada Climate Applications Program
• Kristin VanderMolen, PhD, Western Regional Climate Center & California-Nevada Climate Applications Program, Desert Research Institute
• Tamara Wall, PhD, Western Regional Climate Center & California-Nevada Climate Applications Program, Desert Research Institute

The complete list of the governor’s scientific helpers can be seen at:

For more information see:
Norman Rogers
Las Vegas
