LA Times: Bye, Bye ‘Climate depression’ – ‘For young Californians, climate change is a mental health crisis too’ – But children are turning to activism & ‘literally organizing out of climate anxiety’ Guest essay by Eric Worrall LA Times reports that children are so distressed by what they have been taught about the alleged climate crisis, some are committing suicide. Others are embracing radical climate activism as a coping mechanism for their climate mental health crisis. For young Californians, climate change is a mental health crisis […]

New Research Shows The Oceans Can ‘Spontaneously’ Warm 8°C In Under 100 Years ‘Without External Trigger’ By Kenneth Richard Scientists are increasingly finding that abrupt, decadal-scale temperature changes of multiple degrees Celsius can arise unforced and spontaneously. The surface temperatures for the Greenland ice sheet have been known to warm 8 to 16°C “within decades or less” – yes,  fewer than 10 years – due to “unforced oscillations.” In other words, no external forcing […]

You May Need A COVID Vaccine Passport To Travel In 2021 – ‘Shown in order to enter concert venues, stadiums, movie theaters, offices, or even countries’ MIAMI (CBSMiami/CNN) – In order for people to travel in 2021, they may eventually need a COVID vaccine passport. Several companies and technology groups have begun developing smartphone apps or systems for individuals to upload details of their COVID-19 tests and vaccinations, creating digital credentials that could be shown in order to enter concert […]