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Lomborg’s 2020 study: ‘Data shows trend towards ‘smaller area’ in drought’ – Also floods, hurricanes, wildfires and sea-level rise are not following climate activist claims

You often hear that climate leads to more widespread drought Yet data shows trend towards *smaller area* in drought. Read my 2020 peer-reviewed article: — Bjorn Lomborg (@BjornLomborg) December 5, 2020 2.3. Drought It is instructive to look at a few, concrete impacts of the most visible issues that are associated with the […]

Many Epidemiologists Want Social Distancing and Masks Forever—Even After the Vaccine – Masks & social distancing—will feel ‘normal’ in time By ROBBY SOAVE The New York Times asked 700 epidemiologists to describe their COVID-19 habits, how their thinking has changed since the pandemic began, and when they think it will be safe for normal life to resume. Dismayingly, several answered that last question with a resounding never. “I expect that wearing a mask will become part of […]