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BOMBSHELL: U.N. Admits Emission Reductions Have Been Futile in War on ‘Climate Change’

BOMBSHELL: U.N. Admits Emission Reductions Have Been Futile in War on Climate ChangeClimate Realism / 

by Anthony Watts /

From a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) press release titled “Carbon dioxide levels continue at record levels, despite COVID-19 lockdown,” comes this statement about the effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) reductions during the COVID-19 lockdown:

“Preliminary estimates indicate a reduction in the annual global emission between 4.2% and 7.5%. At the global scale, an emissions reduction this scale will not cause atmospheric CO2 to go down. CO2 will continue to go up, though at a slightly reduced pace (0.08-0.23 ppm per year lower). This falls well within the 1 ppm natural inter-annual variability. This means that on the short-term the impact [of CO2 reduction] of the COVID-19 confinements cannot be distinguished from natural variability…”

Let this sink in: The WMO admits reduce carbon dioxide emissions are having no effect on climate that is distinguishable from natural variability.

The WMO acknowledges that after our global economic lockdown, where CO2 emissions from travel, industry, and power generation were all curtailed, there wasn’t any measurable difference in global atmospheric COlevels. Zero, zilch, none, nada.

Of course, we already knew this and wrote about it on Climate at a Glance: Coronavirus Impact on CO2 Levels. An analysis by climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer showed that despite crashing economies and large cutbacks in travel, industry, and energy generation, climate scientists have yet to find any hint of a drop in atmospheric CO2 levels.

The curve kept advancing in an upward trajectory despite the lockdown, as seen in the graph below provided by Dr. Spencer:

Can you imagine the kind of extreme global economic lockdown that would be required to flatten the atmospheric COcurve? No nation or it’s people could tolerate the draconian reductions that would be required to significantly change the upward trajectory of global CO2 levels.

Climate alarmists have repeatedly suggested that the COVID-19 lockdown is a trial run for a climate lockdown. I suspect they were hoping the CO2 curve would respond to the COVID-19 lockdown in a way they could present as “proof” that a viable path to a dramatically lower CO2 trajectory was within reach. But the global experiment in economic reduction failed to produce any atmospheric CO2 change at all.

But now, with the WMO officially weighing in, we’ve seen proof that the kind of extreme lifestyle cutbacks climate alarmists are proposing won’t make any measurable difference at all.

Clearly, despite the belief that we can “manage global climate just by changing our lifestyles,” the Earth continues unabated on its path of natural variability without a hint that humans can affect it. We’ve said before that Reversing Trump’s Commonsense Climate Policies Would Be a Nightmare for America, and this is the strongest indicator yet that economic misery in the name of “saving the planet” is a pointless exercise in futility.

The post BOMBSHELL: U.N. Admits Emission Reductions Have Been Futile in War on Climate Change appeared first on Climate Realism.



Chart showing the futility of climate agreements to slow CO2 rise:



Climate activist Eric Holthaus said on April 22, 2020, about the impact of lockdowns on global CO2 emissions: “This is roughly the same pace that the IPCC says we need to sustain every year until 2030 to be on pace to limit global warming to 1.5C and hit the Paris climate goals. This is what ‘rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society’ looks like.”

Flashback 2013: Fmr. UN climate head predicted COVID lockdowns?!: ‘The only way a 2015 agreement can achieve a 2-degree goal is to shut down the whole global economy’


“The only way that a 2015 agreement can achieve a 2-degree goal is to shut down the whole global economy,” Yvo de Boer, former UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) executive secretary said in 2013. 

Yvo de Boer’s words sound prophetic when compared to the comments of climate campaigners in 2020 excited about the impact of the COVID lockdowns.
