Bjorn Lomborg recently praised Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s climate plan. Lomborg wrote “Biden’s proposal to quadruple global green R&D investment is exactly what could fix climate change.”
Lomborg excerpt from OC Register: The good and bad of Joe Biden’s $2 trillion climate change plan: Bjorn Lomborg
Lomborg: “Biden laudably suggests spending $75 billion per year on green R&D, which would increase four-fold what the rich world is currently spending each year. While waste and mismanagement from such a drastic ramp-up are possibilities, Biden’s direction is precisely right.
We are not sustainably going to fix climate change with expensive policies that are hundreds or thousands of times more costly than what people are willing to pay. Scaring people with false climate alarmism will backfire. But Biden’s proposal to quadruple global green R&D investment is exactly what could fix climate change.”
But former Harvard University physicist Dr. Lubos Motl was having none of Lomborg’s claims about Biden’s version of the Green New Deal.
Lomborg’s wrote a “staggeringly idiotic article” by “praising Biden’s intent to throw $75 billion a year to ‘green R&D,'” Motl wrote.
“You can’t change the laws of physics by throwing seventy-five f*cking billion dollars to something pompously called ‘research and development’. Fossil fuels’ being the most practical, safe, available concentrated enough source & reservoir of energy is a demonstrable fact,” Motl wrote on October 26, 2020.
“Hundreds of billions of dollars have already been wasted for something that was pompously called science or research but it was really just a promotion of incompetent, idiotic, and far-left scammers pretending to be useful & scientists. They did nothing useful,” Motl added.
“Of course, this huge wasted ‘R&D budget is just a tiny part of the trillions that the candidate wants to waste. Lomborg realizes that the rest is mostly irrational. But this view that it’s enough to throw ‘billions to research’ and miracles will follow is way too stupid,” he added.