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Creepy Climate Conversations: ‘Coaching children to become climate propagandists’

partial screenshot, front page of the website (click image)

Tony Thomas has a disturbing piece over at, concerning an Australian organization allegedly run by child activists. It’s now urging kids to initiate creepy conversations with adults as a means of spreading climate propaganda.

Matters may not develop as expected, though. Because any adult who was around for the global cooling scare, who was told acid rain would wipe out the worlds forests, and that the hole in the ozone layer would induce widespread skin cancer has, in fact, heard it all before.

It’s interesting that the website can’t stay on topic. Its front page tells us Australia was stolen from First Nation communities, and that “there can be no climate justice without first nations justice.” If you click the large button labelled: Black Lives Matter Resources, you’re taken to a 7-page Google document that similarly declares: “There is no climate justice without racial justice…”

These statements call to mind 17-year-old Greta Thunberg’s assertion that “We can not have climate justice without gender equity.”

Climate justice. First Nations justice. Racial justice. Gender equity. What does this collection of causes tell us? That these young people aren’t rebels at all. Nor are they independent thinkers.

Rather than being sincere and passionate about a single issue they themselves have carefully investigated, these youngsters are merely hopping aboard the bandwagon known as fashionable left wing politics.

If you truly believed your future was imperiled, wouldn’t you keep on topic? Wouldn’t your anxiety focus your attention? Wouldn’t you pursue a single, realistic, achievable goal?

Instead, these high school students are being encouraged to believe that, by skipping school, they’ll convince the rest of us to do their bidding – not just about the climate, but with respect to other complicated, longstanding social issues. Everything will be transformed. Fixed to their satisfaction. All at the same time, no less.

Only a naive young person could imagine this to be remotely possible.



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  • Read Thomas’ discussion of the Action Your Adult campaign here. Kids are being encouraged to initiate conversations with people 18+ years old: “If they ask how you’ve been, tell them how you’re feeling anxious and frustrated about the climate crisis/government response; you can use this to segue into your next points!”

