Media Promote Maine Shellfish Scare – As Harvests Set Records Media Promote Maine Shellfish Scare – As Harvests Set RecordsClimate Change Dispatch /  Google News is promoting claims that global warming is killing off Maine’s shellfish. However, objective data show that Maine is producing a record aquaculture harvest and Maine’s lobster catch is also setting records. At the top of search results today for “climate […]

Man-made Policies, Not Man-Made Climate Change, Fueling Wildfires, Says Myron Ebell Man-made Policies, Not Man-Made Climate Change, Fueling Wildfires, Says Myron EbellCompetitive Enterprise Institute / by PhoebeGersten / 13minIs this article about agriculture?YESNO The catastrophic wildfires raging up and down the West Coast should force a radical reversal of 30 years of disastrous government policies. Instead, the politicians and environmental pressure groups who gave us these policies are using climate […]

Contrary To Media Hysteria, Climate Change Is Helping End World Hunger Contrary To Media Hysteria, Climate Change Is Helping End World Hunger Climate Change Dispatch / At the top of search results today for “climate change,” Google News is promoting an article claiming climate change is causing world hunger. However, data from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) clearly show global crop production and food stocks have increased […]

Lockdowns Are Killing More People Than The Virus: Study: Lockdowns ‘cost 29 lives for every one life saved’ By James Lucas You see it every night on the news: a ticker with the cumulative death toll from the coronavirus. Yet you don’t see the other side of the equation: the number of deaths resulting from the lockdowns imposed ostensibly to fight the coronavirus. More and more medical professionals are recognizing the severe damage […]

Biden’s Climate Hustle? No Thanks, Joe! By Dr. Jay Lehr & Tom Harris The Biden Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution and Environmental Justice is nothing but pure hustle, an attempt to boost Joe’s election chances by fanning the flames of the public’s unjustified fears about a ‘climate emergency.’ Bishop Harry Jackson, Senior Pastor, Hope Christian Church in Washington D.C., summed […]