By Craig Rucker
Buy Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy today and own it for life.
Climate Hustle 2 is having an impact. So many tell us how tired they are of the unceasing torrent of exaggerations and outright lies global warming campaigners push out through an all-too-compliant media.
Climate Hustle 2 is the antidote.
Check out the map that has the climate hustlers terrified. CH2 has now been viewed in over 97 countries!
In some countries there is robust discussion of climate change, while in others the debate has been completely squelched. “Finally!” So many tell us. “Finally, a movie that skewers climate myths and lays out the facts!”
This film is important.
Buy Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy today, help spread the word, open eyes and let’s beat back this con together.