The true risk of Covid-19? Not much more than taking a regular bath, explains statistician By TIM HARFORD FOR THE DAILY MAIL Take a guess at what percentage of Britain’s population has died from Covid-19. Is it 5 per cent? As low as 1 per cent? In fact, the toll is less than 0.1 per cent of the country. That means about 41,000 official deaths — or a broader ‘excess […]
The doomsday lies of climate activists never stop: Greta’s claims about recent India flooding, U.S. wildfires debunked Vijay Jayaraj dispels Greta Thunberg’s claim about recent India flooding, U.S. wildfires By WND Guest Columnist By Vijay Jayaraj Photos and videos are extremely useful tools in storytelling and even in conveying news to the masses. Be they simple photographs of people or videos of people marching through a street, they help us relate to […]