Media Claim California Crop Crisis, as Farmers Complain About TOO HIGH Crop Yields California farmers complain that record yields are lowering prices Google News and the alarmist media are warning about climate change harming California crop production and bringing “hard times” to California farmers – even as California crop production sets records. In fact, California crop production is so strong that farmers are complaining that high yields are depressing […]
No Trend In Hurricane Activity In 167 Years, New Empirical Study Shows By Craig Loehle & Erica Staehling, Natural Hazards, August 2020 Hurricane and major hurricane landfall counts exhibited no significant overall trend over 167 years of available data. Source: Loehle & Staehling, Natural Hazards, August 2020 Hurricane trend detection Abstract – Because a change in the frequency (number/year) of hurricanes could be a result of climate […]