Rush Limbaugh: BBC Says I’m Part of a Conspiracy to Dispute Man-Made Climate Change RUSH: I got a great opportunity here to illustrate the way the left thinks things happen on this program, and it’s current. Stand by there on audio sound bite number 2 and number 3. This is on BBC Radio 4 and it happened today over in the United Kingdom. BBC Radio 4’s podcast, How […]

Distinguishing Truth From Green Propaganda Distinguishing Truth From Green Propaganda Climate Change Dispatch / by Mark Hendrickson / Radical environmentalism sees truth as a threat to its objectives. Propaganda (whether outright lies, exaggerations, or distortions) in pursuit of green goals is justified. Perhaps the most famous example of green propaganda has been the persistent claim that 97% of climate […]

Scientist Says Greater Quality Assurance Needed In Reef Science Scientist Says Greater Quality Assurance Needed In Reef Science Climate Change Dispatch / by James Nason / 6d Scientist Dr. Peter Ridd has become widely known in recent years for his outspoken views on the quality of science used to underpin new water quality controls on agriculture in the Great Barrier Reef catchment. He […]

Critics Rebut Computer Modelling Exercise On Offshore Wind Costs Critics Rebut Computer Modelling Exercise On Offshore Wind Costs The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / 3d Remember when Imperial College London and UK newspapers recently announced that “offshore wind power is now so cheap it could pay money back to consumers”? The Global Warming Policy Forum is today publishing a […]

There aren’t enough batteries to electrify all cars – switch to plan B? There aren’t enough batteries to electrify all cars – switch to plan B? Tallbloke’s Talkshop / by oldbrew / 1d Tesla plant [image credit: Steve Jurvetson @ Wikipedia] H/T TechXplore But Plan B includes putting heavy batteries in already heavy trucks, making them too heavy for hauling goods — or reducing their payloads. But […]

Top court forces Ireland to strengthen climate plans Top court forces Ireland to strengthen climate plans Tallbloke’s Talkshop / by oldbrew / 10h Irish wind farm [image credit: RTG @ Wikipedia] Climate virtue signalling comes back to bite vote-chasing politicians, who expected they could dump many of the potentially unpopular decisions on taxes and spending arising from their 2015 law onto a […]

Mines, Minerals, And ‘Green Energy’: A Reality Check Mines, Minerals, And ‘Green Energy’: A Reality Check Climate Change Dispatch / by Mark P. Mills / 6h As policymakers have shifted focus from pandemic challenges to economic recovery, infrastructure plans are once more being actively discussed, including those relating to energy. Green energy advocates are doubling down on pressure to continue, or even […]

Trump Recovers Taxpayer Cash On Bankrupt Obama-Backed Solar Plant Trump Recovers Taxpayer Cash On Bankrupt Obama-Backed Solar Plant Climate Change Dispatch / by Chris White / 5h The Department of Energy reached a settlement Thursday to recover $200 million in taxpayer funds from a loan the Obama administration distributed in 2011 to finance a $1 billion solar power plant that was deemed obsolete […]

Climate Activist James Murdoch Steps Down From News Corp Climate Activist James Murdoch Steps Down From News Corp Climate Change Dispatch / by Karen Ruiz / 6h James Murdoch has announced he is stepping down from the board of News Corp, citing editorial differences over the content published by its media platforms, which include The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post and […]

First Time In 70 Years No Pacific Typhoon Forms In July – Not a single typhoon formed – ‘the first time this has occurred since 1951’ First Time In 70 Years No Pacific Typhoon Forms In July… Alarmists Alarmed Typhoon Trend Falling! This year is the first time since 1951 the Pacific sees no typhoons in the month of July. Typhoons have seen downward trend since 1951.  By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin Global warming alarmists like to claim that tropical storms will […]