Mediterranean Sea was 3.6°F hotter during the Roman Empire, study claims – ‘Roman Empire coincided with warmest period of the last 2,000 years’ Roman Empire coincided with warmest period of the last 2,000 years in the Med But the climate later turned colder and likely ended the Empire’s golden period Scientists studied amoeba species in marine sediments to reveal climate history The Mediterranean Sea was 3.6°F (2°C) hotter during the Roman Empire than other average temperatures at […]
Socialist warrior Greta Issues Latest Demands: Seeks to completely replace the West’s economic system – ‘It can no longer be ‘fixed’. We need a new system’ Greta Issues Latest Demands Not A Lot Of People Know That / by Paul Homewood / 1h By Paul Homewood h/t Robin Guenier Greta and her chums have issued their latest demands: The letter to EU leaders comes from Greta and three other school strike leaders from Belgium and Germany, and contains the […]
Study Finds Fossil Fuels Aren’t Subsidized; They’re Overtaxed – ‘Net effect of govt policies is to raise, rather than lower, the price of energy from fossil fuels’ Study Finds Fossil Fuels Aren’t Subsidized; They’re Overtaxed CO2 Coalition / by CO2Coalition / 14h Wind and solar power are held back by technology, not unfair competition Arlington, Va., July 23, 2020. The CO2 Coalition of 55 climate scientists and energy economists today released a detailed economic study of subsidies and taxes on fossil […]
Do Government Policies Favoring Fossil Fuels Hamper the Development of Wind and Solar Power? Do Government Policies Favoring Fossil Fuels Hamper the Development of Wind and Solar Power? CO2 Coalition / by CO2Coalition / 14h By Bruce Everett, Ph.D. Executive Summary A number of studies claim that pervasive subsidies provide an unfair competitive advantage to fossil fuels over renewable energy. Many estimates have been made of the value […]
The Growing Desperation Of Greta Thunberg: ‘Her whole shtick is built off of being a kid who’s sacrificing her education…but that’s going to get old pretty quick once she stops being a kid The Growing Desperation Of Greta Thunberg Climate Change Dispatch / by Tom Finnerty / We’ve joked before here at The Pipeline about how COVID-19 came at the worst possible time for Greta Thunberg because, well, she’s not getting any younger. She’ll be 18 in a few months, and we’re not too far away from […]
UK Government Report: Lockdown may cost 200,000 lives – ‘Collateral damage from delays in healthcare’ & impact of massive economic downturn killing people By Sarah Knapton, SCIENCE EDITOR More than 200,000 people could die from the impact of lockdown and protecting the NHS, an official government report shows. As national restrictions were imposed, experts from the Department of Health, the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the government’s Actuary Department and the Home Office forecast the collateral damage from delays to […]
Statistician Dr. Matt Briggs: ‘Mask Madness — Our Latest Moral Panic’ – ‘Having healthy asymptomatic people wear masks at what is clearly the end of a routine pandemic is asinine’ (Also see key quotes from this article here: BY DR. MATT BRIGGS We might as well have a tinfoil hat mandate to protect from aliens. It would, at this point, be just as useful. Should somebody tell him about the evidence about masks and the end of pandemics? Nah. Evidence and reason are now […]