Ocean Temps Dropping June 2020

https://rclutz.wordpress.com/2020/07/14/ocean-temps-dropping-june-2020/ Ocean Temps Dropping June 2020 Science Matters / by Ron Clutz The best context for understanding decadal temperature changes comes from the world’s sea surface temperatures (SST), for several reasons: The ocean covers 71% of the globe and drives average temperatures; SSTs have a constant water content, (unlike air temperatures), so give a better […]

Proof That NASA/NOAA Erased The Arctic’s 1940’s ‘Warming Blip’

https://climatechangedispatch.com/proof-that-nasa-noaa-erased-the-arctics-1940s-warming-blip/ Proof That NASA/NOAA Erased The Arctic’s 1940’s ‘Warming Blip’ Climate Change Dispatch / by Cap Allon / Tony Heller’s website realclimatescience.comis a one-stop-shop for exposing government agency data-fudging. For decades, NASA/NOAA has been cooling the past so as to create a fake warming trend — all in a desperate attempt to sustain their failing […]

Study: Much Of The Globe May Experience ‘No Warming’ For 30 Years – ‘We may experience a global cooling trend during next 15 or even 30 years’

https://climatechangedispatch.com/study-much-of-the-globe-may-experience-no-warming-for-30-years/ Study: Much Of The Globe May Experience ‘No Warming’ For 30 Years Climate Change Dispatch / by Kenneth Richard / A new study documents the dominance of internal variability in decadal-scale global temperature changes and suggests we may experience a global cooling trend during the next 15 or even 30 years despite rising greenhouse […]

No, ‘Global Warming’ Did Not Create Pink Algae in Snow, Nor Is It Dangerous

http://climaterealism.com/2020/07/no-global-warming-did-not-create-pink-algae-in-snow-nor-is-it-dangerous/ No, Global Warming Did Not Create Pink Algae in Snow, Nor Is It Dangerous Climate Realism / by H. Sterling Burnett / Among the climate click-bait topics getting media attention today is a series of stories implying climate change is giving rise to algae on the Presna glacier in Northern Italy, leading to melting […]

Climate Wars: Try Removing the Word ‘Denier’ from a Wikipedia Entry

http://co2coalition.org/2020/07/12/climate-wars-try-removing-the-word-denier-from-a-wikipedia-entry/ Climate Wars: Try Removing the Word “Denier” from a Wikipedia Entry CO2 Coalition / by CO2Coalition / 21h Guest essay by Eric Worrall A few days ago Dr. Willie Soon pointed out on the social media site Parler that it is impossible to remove the term “Denier” from the Wikipedia entry for Sallie Baliunas. […]