America’s energy supply just received three devastating blows.
A federal district court shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline and ordered it drained of oil.
The Supreme Court excluded the Keystone XL Pipeline from an otherwise positive decision that a number of pipeline projects be “fast tracked.”
Dominion Energy won a major court victory for its Atlantic Pipeline, then decided to scrap it anyway, deciding the delays and costs imposed by left-wing obstruction were just too much. Dominion’s stock promptly plunged 11.3%.
In recent years we have been favored by a long-awaited energy renaissance, with American energy independence and security achieved at last. It is a tragedy of astounding proportions that tremendously well-financed efforts are continually underway nationwide to obstruct, delay, and in effect ruin America’s energy infrastructure.
Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette issued a hard-hitting a statement about the Dakota Access decision that could apply to all three: “It is disappointing that, once again, an energy infrastructure project that provides thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in economic revenue has been shut down by the well-funded environmental lobby, using our Nation’s court system to further their agenda. The Dakota Access Pipeline safely provides affordable and reliable American-produced crude oil across the Midwest, and has created approximately 10,000 jobs. In addition, the shutdown will eliminate millions of tax dollars paid by the pipeline each year that go towards schools, hospitals, and other community services in North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois.”
The far Left, of course, is jubilant. Greenpeace climate director Janet Redmans said, “Three dangerous pipelines delayed within 24 hours should serve as a clear warning to any companies hoping to double down on dirty fossil fuel projects. For more than a decade now, a powerful movement has been taking on reckless oil and gas pipelines and fighting to put Indigenous rights, a just economy, and our environment before oil company profits… It is past time to leave fossil fuels in the ground and begin a just transition to a Green New Deal and 100 percent renewable energy.”
There is a new nihilism that stalks our land. Statues of civil rights leaders are being torn down, supposedly in the name of civil rights. Cries ring out to defund the police in communities most desperate for law and order. Clean, safe, efficient energy is blocked without regard to the hard fact that there is nothing available to replace it. Activists trumpet inefficient, intermittent wind and solar, ignorant to the fact that they are unable to meet our energy needs.
Wind and solar don’t replace pipelines. Trucks, trains and tankers do — albeit poorly.
Americans need to dig deep, fight back and defeat the Greens — before they leave us all freezing in the dark.