Climatologist Dr. Patrick J. Michaels on ‘Biased Climate Science’ & The ‘Irreproducibility Crisis’
Independent Institute 40.5K subscribers SUBSCRIBE Many headline scientific findings in recent years have turned out to be false. They can’t be reproduced—and if you can’t reproduce a result, it isn’t science. The headlines are just the tip of the iceberg. A huge amount of ordinary scientific findings published in peer-reviewed journals doesn’t replicate. Something has […]
Data Show Rural American Midwest Cooled Over Past 100 Years – Until NASA Fudged The Data To Show Warming Data Show Rural American Midwest Cooled Over Past 100 Years – Until NASA Fudged The Data To Show Warming NoTricksZone: Not here to worship what i… / by P Gosselin / By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin Today we post before-and-after mean annual temperature charts for 6 US stations in the midwest region with a […]
Sorry, Weather Channel, Mangroves Will NOT Disappear in 30 Years Sorry, Weather Channel, Mangroves Will NOT Disappear in 30 Years Climate Realism / by James Taylor / The Weather Channel published an article on its website Wednesday claiming global warming threatens the extinction of mangrove trees – which rely on warm temperatures to live – within 30 years. Common sense and scientific evidence reveal […]
Swedish Teenager Greta Tries To Dictate Canadian Politics A Swedish Teenager Tries To Dictate Canadian Politics Climate Change Dispatch / by Donna Laframboise / Unlike 13-year-old Jack Rico, Greta Thunberg has not earned multiple college degrees. Rather, she is the child of Swedish celebrities, an opera singer, and an actor. Having turned 17 in January, she is a media mirage. A publicist’s […]
Zero emission cars to get green number plates in UK – Able to ‘secure cheaper parking’ Zero emission cars to get green number plates Tallbloke’s Talkshop / by oldbrew / Image credit: DFT Is this the thin end of the green wedge, as EV owners get ever more preferential treatment from the authorities – on the roads every UK citizen has to pay for? – – – Drivers of zero-emission […]
The Green-Energy Threat To Your Pension Pot The Green-Energy Threat To Your Pension Pot Climate Change Dispatch / by Andrew Montford / ‘AMAZON, Facebook, and Microsoft have all been criticized for expanding their data centers without securing additional supply of clean energy. Investors in these technology companies will, therefore, need to encourage a faster move to cleaner energy sources in order […]
Time To Stop Pretending Politicians ‘Follow The Science’ Time To Stop Pretending Politicians ‘Follow The Science’ Climate Change Dispatch / by Raymond J. de Souza / It is instructive that across Canada the pandemic measures were suspended, or disregarded, or superseded in order to facilitate mass protests against racism. Instructive and welcome, independent of any judgment on the value of the pandemic […]
A Few More Thoughts On The Very Stupid Oil-As-Nuisance Litigations A Few More Thoughts On The Very Stupid Oil-As-Nuisance Litigations Manhattan Contrarian / by Francis Menton / It occurs to me to address the question of exactly what about the “oil-as-nuisance” litigations is stupid, and what is not as stupid. The matters that I refer to include the cases, discussed in the last post, […]
German Power Prices Climb 116% Since Year 2000 …Government Levies, Taxes Tripled! German Power Prices Climb 116% Since Year 2000 …Government Levies, Taxes Tripled! NoTricksZone: Not here to worship what i… / by P Gosselin / German online site Stromreport writes that since the year 2000 the average electricity price for private households has risen from 13.94 to 30.43 euro cents per kilowatt hour (2019). German […]
No early breakup for W Hudson Bay sea ice again this year: polar bears still on the ice No early breakup for W Hudson Bay sea ice again this year: polar bears still on the ice polarbearscience / by susanjcrockford / No early breakup of Hudson Bay sea ice again this year: there is still extensive thick first year ice over most of Hudson Bay and all female polar bears fitted with […]