Global Elites Announce ‘Great Reset’ Plan—And It’s Even More Radical Than the Green New Deal   by Justin Haskins At a virtual World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting, global leaders from the United Nations, United Kingdom, United States, International Monetary Fund and multi-national corporations discussed and announced a plan to develop a “Great Reset” of the entire world economy. “We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this […]

NYT: ‘Don’t Thank the Virus for Saving the Climate Yet

Who is 'thanking the virus for saving the climate'? Climate bedwetters are some sick puppies. — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) June 4, 2020 By Tatiana Schlossberg Published June 4, 2020 Updated June 5, 2020 This article is part of a special report on Climate Solutions. Much has been made about what the coronavirus “means” […]

DailyKos: It’s OK for Climate Alarmists to Make Things Up Out of Thin Air By James Taylor- The leftist website Daily Kos published an article yesterday claiming climate alarmists are more scientifically credible when they make things up out of thin air – while presenting no supporting scientific facts or evidence – than when climate realists cite numerous datasets and peer-reviewed studies that support their claims. Making stuff up out […]

COVID and Climate Models Will Not Save Us: ‘COVID-19 models predicting millions of deaths are similar to climate models — both computer-generated model types have been consistently wrong’ By Todd Royal We are possibly witnessing the most destructive scientific fraud in the history of man via the COVID-19 pandemic while shutting down the U.S. economy. Hysteria is destroying people’s lives. This level of “groupthink has drove [sic] unnecessary global shutdowns.” When the majority of U.S. deaths those of and countries like Italy […]

Intellectuals versus Common Sense: ‘George Orwell said that some ideas are so foolish only an intellectual could believe them’ By Robert Curry In his book Intellectuals and Society, Thomas Sowell takes America’s “public intellectuals” on a well deserved trip to the woodshed. He makes many interesting claims, including this one: “The unarticulated cultural distillations of mass experience over the generations are often summarily dismissed as mere prejudices [by public intellectuals].” “The unarticulated cultural […]

How much water will be wasted through COVID-obsessed hand-washing? By Viv Forbes “Wash your hands as often as possible,” says Canberra’s COVID chief. This could flush away 7 gallons of water per person per day. Suppose ten million obedient Australians wash hands thoroughly “as often as possible.” The water used would total 66 million gallons per day – enough to empty Australia’s biggest […]