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‘Climate Change is the Most Important Mission for Universities’ Guest essay by Eric Worrall If you thought the most important mission of universities was to provide kids with professional skills to help them get a better job, think again. Climate change is the most important mission for universities of the 21st century June 4, 2020 6.09am AEST Lauren Rickards Associate Professor, Sustainability and Urban Planning, […]

COVID lockdowns causing Big Oil to buyout small oil companies – ‘As Rockfeller did 120 years ago, Big Oil wants to buy up smaller companies…to better control prices’

As Rockfeller did 120 years ago, Big Oil wants to buy up smaller companies not for their production but to better control prices. This also one reason why companies like ExxonMobil support climate regulation — to put the independents out of business. — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) June 4, 2020 You are entirely correct @JunkScience. Small, […]