Most Americans Don’t Believe ‘Climate Change’ Will Damage U.S. Economy

Most Americans Don’t Believe Climate Change Will Damage U.S. Economy

Despite decades of climate alarm and relentless scare-mongering by campaigners and the news media, two-thirds of U.S. Americans don’t think that climate change will have a negative impacts on the U.S. economy.

Most Americans are underestimating both the potential economic impact of climate change and the role that entrepreneurs and investors can play in rectifying it, according to Inerjys Ventures, a global climate solutions investment firm.

A new survey among over 2,000 U.S. adults, conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of Inerjys Ventures, found fewer than two in five Americans (38%) believe climate change will damage the U.S. economy if it is not addressed and about one in five Americans (19%) think it will cost more to solve climate change globally than it will to fix the problems that arise from it.

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The post Most Americans Don’t Believe Climate Change Will Damage U.S. Economyappeared first on The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF).
