You knew this was coming: ‘How a Warming Climate Could Affect the Spread of Diseases Similar to COVID-19’ “A hotter planet could change the relationship among infectious agents, their hosts and the human body’s defense mechanisms” By Sara Goudarzi Scientists have long known that the rise in average global temperatures is expanding the geographical presence of vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, because the animals that transmit them are adapting […]
We Disagree with You, So Shut Up: Michael Moore’s film faces censorship – ‘A cage fight has recently erupted among the Environmental Left’ BY DAVID KREUTZER A cage fight has recently erupted among the Environmental Left. It pits those who want to eliminate affordable energy against those who want to eliminate all energy (and, while they are at it, eliminate people, too). Famous radical documentarian, Michael Moore, has co-produced an exposé on renewable energy with the director […]
Emma Thompson’s Extinction Rebellion film reveals her delusions of radicalism: ‘The only thing the film accurately represents is that eco-warriors are overwhelmingly posh’
I watched Emma Thompson's new Extinction Rebellion film so you don't have to — Fraser Myers (@FraserMyers) May 1, 2020 By FRASER MYERS Many celebrities are sanctimonious, so there’s no use complaining too much. But there is something particularly nauseating about eco-luvvies. The lifestyles of the filthy rich and uber-famous are among the most […]
Robert Redford: Virus Lockdowns Provide ‘Pleasant Surprises’ – ‘We have gotten a very real glimpse of the potential for global environmental repair’ – ‘A remarkable decline in’ CO2 BY DOUGLAS ERNST Hollywood icon Robert Redford says the coronavirus pandemic has produced a number of “pleasant surprises” for environmentalists who are faced with the “daunting” task of saving the planet from climate change. The long-time activist penned an NBC op-ed with his son James on the green lessons Americans can learn from the […]
Scientists Criticise UK Government’s ‘Following The Science’ Claim Scientists Criticise UK Government’s ‘Following The Science’ Claim The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / 7d Ministers accused of abdicating political duty to narrow field of opaque expertise on Covid-19 Experts have voiced growing frustration over the UK government’s claim that it is “following the science”, saying the refrain is being […]
WaPo column: Global warming caused COVID-19 – ‘A virus that probably emanated from the destruction of wildlife & habitat and a changing climate’
WaPo column: Global warming caused #COVID19. "A virus that probably emanated from the destruction of wildlife and habitat and a changing climate forced Earth Day 2020 online and most of us to stay home." Climate bedwetters will say anything. — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) May 1, 2020 By Joan Moody – April 30, 2020 Excerpt: […]
Costly Climate Policies Must Be Abandoned To Save Economy in Europe Costly Climate Policies Must Be Abandoned To Save Economy / by bennypeiser / 4d Unilateral decarbonisation policy stands in the way of economic recovery London, 27 April: European governments have no choice but to abandon costly climate plans that are threatening to burden nations with huge costs and millions of job losses if […]
Blood & Gore: Michael Moore’s ‘Planet of The Humans’ Unmasks The Power & Money Behind Renewables Scam by stopthesethings Not the only lunatic making $millions by lying to the masses. Apoplexy is the order of the day among ‘green’ energy zealots following the release of Mike Moore’s ‘Planet of The Humans’. In the military they call it “blue on blue”, although when the hard left are pulling the trigger it’s more […]
The Scientific Case for Vacating the EPA’s Carbon Dioxide Endangerment Finding The Scientific Case for Vacating the EPA’s Carbon Dioxide Endangerment Finding CO2 Coalition / by CO2Coalition / 8d By Patrick J. Michaels and Kevin D. Darayatna Executive Summary The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2009 “Endangerment Finding” from carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases grants the agency a legal mandate that can have […]
RIP Climate Hysteria: 20 Ways The Pandemic Killed The Alarmists’ Crusade RIP Climate Hysteria: 20 Ways The Pandemic Killed The Alarmists’ Crusade Climate Change Dispatch / by Craig Kelly / 6d Reason No.1: The complete collapse in trust in the United Nations and its associated organizations The World Health Organisation and the International Panel on Climate Change are both specialized agencies of the United Nations. […]