While NOAA/NASA claims 2019 as the ‘second warmest year ever’ , other data shows 2019 cooler than 2005 for USA
https://wattsupwiththat.com/2020/01/15/while-noaa-nasa-claims-2019-as-the-second-warmest-year-ever-other-data-shows-2019-cooler-than-2005-for-usa/ By Anthony Watts Today, at the big 100 year anniversary shindig of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) there was a press release session that featured NOAA and NASA GISS talking about how their climate data says that the world in 2019 was the second warmest ever. Here is their slideshow presentation, released today: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/briefings/20200115.pdf […]
‘Out of context’: AOC backtracks on claim climate change will end world in 12 years – Claims the 11 year deadline was ‘dry humor + sarcasm’
https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/out-of-context-aoc-backtracks-on-claim-climate-change-will-end-world-in-12-years by John Gage Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticized Sen. Rand Paul after he claimed she said the world would end in 12 years if nothing is done about climate change. “Hey Senator! Would you like me to also take your comments out of context and pose them as your earnest position, as you have chosen […]
UN IPCC claims refuted: 100% Replication Failure reported in journal Nature study on ocean acidification & fish behavior
https://nofrakkingconsensus.com/2020/01/13/fishy-findings-100-replication-failure/ Eight fish studies were double-checked. Not one was accurate. Science proves… Science says… Research shows… Every week, the above phrases are employed by TV personalities, newspaper journalists, coworkers, friends, and family. When these phrases are uttered, certain ideas get elevated above the fray, enthroned on a pedestal. Science has spoken. Who are you to […]
UN IPCC’s ocean ‘acidification’ expert’s body of work refuted by new study in journal Nature – New Study finds coral reef fish behavior not impacted
https://nofrakkingconsensus.com/2020/01/15/ipcc-experts-8-discredited-papers/ IPCC Expert’s 8 Discredited Papers Philip Munday’s work falls to pieces whenever someone tries to verify it. By Donna Laframboise Last week, Nature published a damning refutation of a significant body of climate change research. The title of that article is self-explanatory: Ocean acidification does not impair the behaviour of coral reef fishes. The authors studied more […]
‘Global elite’ fear for planet as they pack for ‘green’ Swiss ski resort of Davos – Trump expected to attend
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-davos-meeting-globalrisks/leaders-fear-for-planet-as-they-pack-for-green-davos-idUSKBN1ZE10E LONDON (Reuters) – Climate change and environmental destruction top the risks highlighted by world decision-makers in a survey ahead of the 2020 gathering of the global elite in the Swiss ski resort of Davos. For the first time the annual risk report, compiled by the World Economic Forum (WEF), found the top five concerns […]
Report: Lowest Solar Activity in Over 200 Years
https://interestingengineering.com/this-year-will-mark-the-lowest-solar-activity-in-over-200-years By Marcia Wendorf On December 20, 2019, Iceland received one of the largest snow storms in its history. The so-called “10-year storm,” brought winds of 100 miles per hour (161 km/h), with one weather station reporting gusts of up to 149 mph (240 km/h). Sustained winds reached 90 mph (145 km/h) in the Northeast part of the country, and 10 feet (3 m) […]