Australian Wildfires Were Caused by Humans, Not ‘Climate Change’ The Washington Examiner Myron Ebell, Patrick J. Michaels • January 8, 2020 Alarmists have been quick to blame climate change for the recent, horrific fires in Australia and California. Although human actions do bear a large share of the blame for the scale of this ongoing tragedy, the cause is primarily bad management policies, not dreaded climate […]
Official editorial in Canadian newspaper calls for climate skeptics to be silenced Journalists: We Want Censorship Official editorial in Canadian newspaper calls for climate skeptics to be silenced. click to read the editorial If anyone should be passionately devoted to free speech, surely it’s journalists. Five years ago yesterday, nine writers, editors, and cartoonists associated with the satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, were slaughtered in Paris. Islamic fundamentalists […]
Report: Latest Fraud From Climate Alarmists on Aussie fires – Image ‘replaced cloud cover with bright orange that looks like flames’ by tonyheller As always, climate alarmists are relying on fraud to scare the public. Radio Canada Satellites show that only a tiny percentage of Australia is on fire. What the creator of the fake image appears to have done is replaced cloud cover with bright orange that looks like flames. January 1 January 4 […]
There’s Only One Way To Make Bushfires Less Powerful: Take Out The Stuff That Burns There’s Only One Way To Make Bushfires Less Powerful: Take Out The Stuff That Burns The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / 7h As monstrous blazes overwhelm Australia’s south-east, the need for a national bushfire policy has never been more urgent. Active land management such as hazard-reduction burning and forest thinning […]
Australian Bushfires Made Worse By Bad Green Policies Australian Bushfires Made Worse By Bad Green Policies The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / 7h While greens blame the bushfires of Australia and California on global warming, green policies themselves are helping to fuel the fires. Alarmists have been quick to blame climate change for the recent, horrific fires in […]
The disastrous fires in Australia are man-caused, but they’re not ‘climate change’ By Andrea Widburg Leftists around the world are at it again, blaming “anthropogenic” (i.e., man-caused) climate change for the Australian fires. While it’s true that the fires are “man-caused,” they’re not anthropogenic in the way the Left thinks they are. At the Golden Globes, the glitterati focused on the fires raging in Australia. Russell […]
German Greens: Use ‘Climate Emergency’ Declarations to Jail Deniers – Punish climate ‘saboteurs’
Excerpt: “Anyone who trivializes or prevents the climate catastrophe defense against the climate catastrophe according to the Paris Climate Agreement and its follow-up agreements, denies or prevents the climate catastrophe, will be fined up to 300 daily rates. In the event of a repeat sentence, the sentence is imprisonment.” Guest essay by Eric […]
To fight ‘climate change’, Washington city may ban heating homes with natural gas To fight climate change, Washington city may ban heating homes with natural gas Ice Age Now / by Robert / 20h I’m so thankful I moved out of that state. _____________ As a progressive-minded city, Bellingham, Washington, has long been looking to scale back its contribution to climate change. writes Mike Baker in the […]
Australia’s Epic Fires Caused By Bad Forestry And Arson, Not ‘Climate Change’ Australia’s Epic Fires Caused By Bad Forestry And Arson, Not Climate Change Climate Change Dispatch / by Leslie Eastman / 1d Like California, Australia limits clearing and controlled burning of forest fuel build-up, and reports indicate that almost half the bushfires this season were set by people. Australia might be a half a world […]
Arsonists Fuelling Australia’s Bushfire Crisis As Arrest Toll Hits 183 Arsonists Fuelling Australia’s Bushfire Crisis As Arrest Toll Hits 183 The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / 1d More than 180 alleged arsonists have been arrested since the start of the bushfire season, with 29 blazes deliberately lit in the Shoalhaven region of southeast NSW in just three months. The Shoalhaven […]