Top 5 most outrageous 2020 climate & energy doomsday predictions that didn’t pan out By Maxim Lott Published January 01, 2020 Fox News Will the world end in 12 years? Maybe 30? If history is any guide, it will not. Many similar predictions have been made in the past, but they came and went without tragedy. Here are the five worst predictions made about 2020 that failed to […]

No, Greenland is not approaching a melting ‘tipping point’ No, Greenland is not approaching a melting ‘tipping point’ By James Taylor |January 1st, 2020|General Information|2 Comments An article on the climate activist website Inside Climate News ( claims Greenland is perilously close to a tipping point that will destabilize the Greenland ice sheet and result in substantial ice melt and sea level rise. The ice […]

BP Oil Company Boss: Daughter’s Friends on Anti-Depressants Because of ‘Climate Change’ Guest essay by Eric Worrall Americans popping pills to try to cope with the emotional damage inflicted by our broken, climate propaganda laden education system. BP boss reveals some of his daughter’s friends in California are taking antidepressants because they are so worried about climate change Bob Dudley, 64, said he hated seeing ‘young […]