THE European Union is failing at almost every one of its environmental goals, a shock study by the European Environmental Agency has warned.
The report, which is published every five years, has exposed “serious gaps between the state of the environment and existing EU near – and long-term policy targets”.
Brussels has been urged to rethink its entire environmental strategy in everything from chemical pollution targets, overfishing to a decline in animal species. The EEA report was published ahead of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s presentation of her plans for a so-called “Green Deal” for the Continent.
Hans Bruyninckx, director of the EEA, said: “Marginal efficiency gains are clearly not delivering. The goal should be a fundamental shift in the economy towards sustainability. We are hardly reaching any of our goals for 2020.”
The “European environment – state and outlook” report warned “Europe faces environmental challenges of unprecedented scale and urgency”.
“Although EU environmental and climate policies have delivered substantial benefits over recent decades, Europe faces persistent problems in areas such as bio diversity loss, resource use, climate change impacts and environmental risks to health and well-being,” it added.
According to the report, less than a quarter of observed species and habitats across the bloc are in good health, and the Continent is on track to miss its target of preventing bioviebsity loss by 2020.
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