2019 Pentagon Climate Report Grants Earth Another 20 Year Reprieve – Previous Pentagon Report Warned of Climate Doom by 2020
https://realclimatescience.com/2019/10/pentagon-grants-earth-another-20-year-reprieve/ by Tony Heller The Pentagon says the world could end in 20 years because of global warming. U.S. Military Could Collapse Within 20 Years Due to Climate Change, Report Commissioned By Pentagon Says – VICE This is good news, because in 2004 they said the world would end in 2020. Pentagon tells Bush: climate […]
CLAIM: Pentagon Commissioned report: U.S. Military Could Collapse Within 20 Years Due to ‘Climate Change’
https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/mbmkz8/us-military-could-collapse-within-20-years-due-to-climate-change-report-commissioned-by-pentagon-says By Nafeez Ahmed According to a new U.S. Army report, Americans could face a horrifically grim future from climate change involving blackouts, disease, thirst, starvation and war. The study found that the US military itself might also collapse. This could all happen over the next two decades, the report notes. The senior US government […]
New Paper: West Arctic Sea Ice ‘Relatively Stable’ Since 1800s…Much Less Ice Coverage During The 1600s
https://notrickszone.com/2019/10/24/new-paper-west-arctic-sea-ice-relatively-stable-since-1800s-much-less-ice-coverage-during-the-1600s/ By Kenneth Richard A new 800-year reconstruction of Western Arctic Ocean sea ice variability (Porter et al., 2019) indicates the recent centuries (and decades) of sea ice coverage are the most extensive of the period, with no significant net change in the last 200 years. There was no ice cover in the Western Arctic […]
AOC Blames Racist Climate Change For Hurricanes That Kill Minorities – Links ‘predominantly white’ areas for causing the most emissions that cause bad hurricanes
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/oct/23/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-dings-predominantly-white/ By Valerie Richardson – The Washington Times – Wednesday, October 23, 2019 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put a racial spin Wednesday on climate change and hurricanes, attributing emissions from “predominantly white” corporations and communities for juicing recent storms that cost “predominantly black and brown lives” in Louisiana and Puerto Rico. Even as House Republicans argued that cheap electricity […]
For Halloween: 10 days of Climate Scares -Debunked
https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/10/23/for-halloween-10-days-of-climate-scares-debunked/ By Anthony Watts / Every year, like clockwork, climate alarmists try to scare us with some new claim, and it seems each year it becomes more and more absurd. This is the first of 10 videos highlighting false climate scares by climate alarmists. This one shows how Al Gore was COMPLETELY WRONG about the […]
Claim: ‘Climate Change’ May 25% of U.S. Steel Bridges to Collapse by 2040
https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/10/23/climate-change-may-cause-poorly-maintained-bridges-to-collapse/ Guest essay by Eric Worrall According to a new study, if civic authorities don’t properly clean clogged bridge expansion gaps, warmer temperatures might hasten the failure of major support structures. Climate change may see one in four US steel bridges collapse by 2040 ENVIRONMENT 23 October 2019 By Ruby Prosser Scully Bridges in the US and […]
Climate U-Turn: China Opens 17 New Coal Mines, Imports Surge
https://climatechangedispatch.com/china-coal-boom-imports-mines/ Analysis reveals that the amount allocated to large infrastructure projects by Beijing has doubled this year, with airports and high-speed rail lines among 21 schemes allocated a total of £83.9 billion. Included in the new allocations is funding for 17 new coal mines across China, despite Beijing’s pledges to reduce reliance on the power […]
Britain Importing CO2 Emissions!! ‘Outsourcing its CO2 emissions to developing nations’
https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2019/10/24/britain-importing-co2-emissions-who-would-have-guessed/ By Paul Homewood No s**t Sherlock! Britain has contributed to the global climate emergency by outsourcing its carbon emissions to developing nations, according to official figures, despite managing to weaken the domestic link between fossil fuels and economic growth. The Office for National Statistics said the UK had become the biggest net importer of carbon dioxide […]
Steve Milloy Analysis: No… America’s air quality is NOT ‘worsening’ — Despite ‘Fake News from The New York Times’
https://junkscience.com/2019/10/no-americas-air-quality-is-not-worsening/ More #FakeNews from the New York Times. Obama cleaned the air and Trump polluted it is the #FakeNews from the New York Times this morning. Here’s the fuller graph of EPA data broken out by pollutant, starting in 2000 rather than the NYTimes’ 2009 start. Here’s what you need to know: US air is clean […]
Weather’s impact on the World Series in recent history
https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/10/24/weathers-impact-on-the-world-series-in-recent-history/ Guest post by Paul Dorian Panoramic view of Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. – the site for Games 3, 4 and 5 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (if necessary); image courtesy Wikipedia Overview The World Series between the Washington Nationals and Houston Astros began on Tuesday night in Houston, Texas, but weather was not a […]