Some climate alarmists embrace chemtrails
Luboš Motl: The Reference Frame / by Luboš Motl / 8h
According to a popular conspiracy theory, long-lived condensation trails behind airplanes are chemtrails whose longevity is enhanced by the addition of some special compounds. The governments are adding these chemicals to harm the population or make it obedient or something like that. Most of the believers are probably considered “right wing nut jobs”. Why would you get obsessed with the innocent “man-made clouds” whose main component is clearly partly condensed water vapor? Well, not all of them are right-wing. A month ago, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics published a paper by two ladies Contrail cirrus radiative forcing for future air traffic (by Bock and Burkhardt) whose clear purpose is to give the pop-science alarmist inkspillers something slightly new to write about – and to make the writers more visible. And be sure that it works. At Yale, Fred Pearce has quickly promoted the preprint. All climate alarmists – including the Gretenist cult – should be worried about the chemtrails, too! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Now, the condensation trails (contrails) may be considered artificial cirrus clouds. Those are clouds between 5 and 15 kilometers or altitude that have thin or wispy strands. Low-lying clouds are generally cooling the Earth – when it’s cloudy, the weather is bad. But cirrus clouds are located at higher altitudes and their net effect on temperature is believed to be a warming one (much like the “water vapor as a greenhouse…
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