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Wacky Claim: ‘We have never seen global weather patterns go as crazy as they have so far in 2019’ – ‘Weather Patterns All Over The Planet Are Going Absolutely Nuts’ by Michael Snyder We have never seen global weather patterns go as crazy as they have so far in 2019.  Record high temperatures are being shattered all over the planet, but meanwhile some parts of the U.S. were just buried by massive amounts of snow.  The sixth largest city in India is literally running […]

G20 Plays Down Commitment To Climate Change Action G20 Plays Down Commitment To Climate Change Action UN Climate Talks Fail To Adopt Contentious IPCC Report Japan has bowed to US pressure by watering down commitments to tackling climate change in its draft G20 communiqué, a sign of how Tokyo is seeking to curry favour with Washington amid tense trade talks and concerns […]

Analysis: Oregon Climate Action Plan – Economic pain for zero benefits By Gregory Wrightstone 6/22/19 The Oregon House recently passed the state’s Climate Action Plan establishing a state-wide cap-and-trade program to limit greenhouse gas emissions. The bill next goes to the Senate where Democrats hold a super-majority. With GOP senators unable to stop what they deem to be freedom-sapping and economically crippling legislation, they refused to attend […]