‘Extinction Rebellion’ Climate Activists Glued Themselves to the Universal Studios Globe in Los Angeles
https://www.teenvogue.com/story/extinction-rebellion-climate-activists-glued-to-universal-studios-globe-los-angeles By Lucy Diavolo April 23, 2019 The international Extinction Rebellion climate demonstrations made headlines in Los Angeles as a protest at Universal Studios resulted in four arrests, according to Deadline. CBS Los Angeles reported that activists climbed the iconic globe sculpture and glued themselves in place, mirroring tactics Extinction Rebellion activists have used in […]
Watch: ‘Extinction Rebellion’ climate activists: Only way ‘Government will listen to us is if we actually start to ruin the economy’
Extinction Rebellion Los Angeles Climate Activists Climb & Superglue Themselves to Universal Studios Globe Calling on NBC/Universal to Take Action on Climate Crisis. 100 cops present. Go here for more livestreams and updates: https://t.co/spRJvywnvL #XRUS #ExtinctionRebellion pic.twitter.com/1MQJt8stTe — Extinction Rebellion United States (@ExtinctionRebel) April 22, 2019 ‘Extinction Rebellion’ Climate Activists Glued Themselves to the Universal […]
The Economist jumps on the global warming hysteria bandwagon
The Economist jumps on the global warming hysteria bandwagon https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/04/the_economist_jumps_on_the_global_warming_hysteria_bandwagon.html The Economist comes up with a vague notion about something that might go wrong at an unspecifed time. — News+
Even with Inuit lives at stake, polar bear specialists make unsupported claims
Even with Inuit lives at stake, polar bear specialists make unsupported claims http://polarbearscience.com/2019/04/23/even-with-inuit-lives-at-stake-polar-bear-specialists-make-unsupported-claims/ Even with Inuit lives at stake, polar bear specialists make unsupported claims by susanjcrockford polarbearscience | Polar bear science – past and presentYesterday, 04:58 The standoff between Inuit and polar bear specialists regarding the status of polar bears in Canada is not […]
German Institute Delivers Bad News On CO2, E-Cars: “Electric Vehicles Not A Panacea For Climate Change”
German Institute Delivers Bad News On CO2, E-Cars: “Electric Vehicles Not A Panacea For Climate Change” https://notrickszone.com/2019/04/23/german-institute-delivers-bad-news-on-co2-e-cars-electric-vehicles-not-a-panacea-for-climate-change/ German Institute Delivers Bad News On CO2, E-Cars: “Electric Vehicles Not A Panacea For Climate Change” by P Gosselin NoTricksZone: Not here to worship what is known, but to question it …Yesterday, 13:18 A few days ago here […]
UAH, RSS, NOAA, UW: Which Satellite Dataset Should We Believe?
UAH, RSS, NOAA, UW: Which Satellite Dataset Should We Believe? http://www.drroyspencer.com/2019/04/uah-rss-noaa-uw-which-satellite-dataset-should-we-believe/ UAH, RSS, NOAA, UW: Which Satellite Dataset Should We Believe? by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. Roy Spencer, Ph. D. This post has two related parts. The first has to do with the recently published study of AIRS satellite-based surface skin temperature trends. The […]
Temperatures fail to respond to highest CO2 levels of past 3 million years
Temperatures fail to respond to highest CO2 levels of past 3 million years https://www.cfact.org/2019/04/23/temperatures-fail-to-respond-to-highest-co2-levels-of-past-3-million-years/ Carbon Dioxide levels may be higher than any time during the past 3 million years. If that is so, however, it merely shows that the Earth’s climate is not nearly as sensitive to carbon dioxide as alarmists claim. The post Temperatures […]
NASA Gavin Schmidt: Personal Climate Change Sacrifices “doesn’t actually change very much”
NASA Gavin Schmidt: Personal Climate Change Sacrifices “doesn’t actually change very much” https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/04/23/nasa-gavin-schmidt-personal-climate-change-sacrifices-doesnt-actually-change-very-much/ Guest essay by Eric Worrall According to NASA’s Gavin Schmidt, making personal lifestyle changes has very little impact on anthropogenic CO2 emissions. These Scientists Are Radically Changing How They Live To Cope With Climate Change When the US government is doing nothing […]
NY’s global warming hypocrisy, from the lowly random student to the mayor himself
NY’s global warming hypocrisy, from the lowly random student to the mayor himself https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/04/nys_global_warming_hypocrisy_from_the_lowly_random_student_to_the_mayor_himself.html “The mayor claimed an exemption from his own climate crusade …”
Report: Severe global warming impact could be apparent as early as 2030
Severe global warming impact could be apparent as early as 2030: report https://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3744305/posts The heat is on – and Earth is scorching. A new global warming report illustrates the dire consequences of unabated global warming, especially if temperatures rise another 2.5 degrees. The findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report mankinds activities have […]