PROPONENTS OF GREEN NEW DEAL STRUGGLE TO EXPLAIN PHASE-OUT OF COMBUSTION ENGINE Kerry Picket By The Green New Deal championed by Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez officially rolled out Thursday afternoon, but some proponents of the bill appeared unable to explain how commercial and private air travel will survive, should the legislation ever become successful. (RELATED: Does Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Outlaw Every Building In The Country?) Ocasio-Cortez’s Green […]

Green Raw Deal: Big Bowl of Crazy – ‘Global warming’ is merely the latest environmental scare with the same solutions of wealth redistribution and central planning

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ “Green New Deal” is taking shape. See: OCASIO-CORTEZ: FIXING ‘GLOBAL WARMING’ REQUIRES ‘MASSIVE GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION’ & Green New Deal” will bring “a massive transformation of our society.” Ocasio-Cortez is echoing the former UN Climate chief rhetoric. See: Flashback: UN climate chief Christiana Figueres seeks ‘centralized transformation’ that is ‘going to make the life of everyone on the […]

OCASIO-CORTEZ: FIXING ‘GLOBAL WARMING’ REQUIRES ‘MASSIVE GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION’ By Tom Elliott Democrats’ plans to counteract climate change will involve “massive government intervention” into Americans’ lives, one of the chief proponents admitted in an interview Thursday morning. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she has no qualms about acknowledging a so-called “Green New Deal” will mean unprecedented governmental intrusion into the private sector. Appearing […]

Climate Nuremberg: ‘It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity’ – ‘Already killed at least tens of thousands of people through climate-fueled disasters worldwide’

Climate Depot Response: Here we go again. See: Climate Depot’s Morano & other skeptics ‘sentenced to death’ for ‘Crimes against Humanity’ Flashback 2006: GRIST’S DAVID ROBERTS CALLED FOR NUREMBERG-STYLE TRIALS FOR GLOBAL WARMING SKEPTICS Bill Nye, ‘The Jail-The-Skeptics Guy!’: Nye entertains idea of jailing climate skeptics for ‘affecting my quality of life’ (Exclusive Video) Flashback: Debate […]

OCASIO-CORTEZ RELEASES ‘GREEN NEW DEAL’ OUTLINE – CALLS FOR ‘REPAIRING HISTORIC OPPRESSION’ BY MICHAEL BASTASCH New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released a resolution that outlines the “Green New Deal” that’s become a central part of the Democratic agenda, including backing from 2020 candidates. The “Green New Deal” resolution calls for “10-year national mobilizations” towards a series of goals aimed at fighting global warming, according to a copy […]

2019: ALREADY A VINTAGE YEAR FOR CLIMATE CLAPTRAP Chris Morrison, The Conservative Woman It has been an encouraging start to the contest for the year’s loopiest climate story. First out of the blocks is a cracker from the geography department at University College London with the suggestion that Spanish colonisation in the Americas contributed to global cooling. Early interest is also being shown […]

Naomi Klein: Trump’s Oil and Gas Supporters Aren’t Climate Change ‘Deniers,’ ‘They Are Arsonists’ By Michael W. Chapman | February 6, 2019 | 3:12 PM EST Journalist and author Naomi Klein. (Photo: Kourash Keshiri) ( — Left-wing activist, journalist, and best selling author Naomi Klein said it is not true that President Donald Trump did not mention “climate change” in his State of the Union speech because he praised the oil and […]