The Good News: Invasive species dying off because of brutal cold The good news about the cold: DULUTH, MN — When it’s so cold your face hurts, and it’s hard to talk, it’s easy to forget there are actually some positives that come with these extreme cold temps. We’re all-too-familiar with the Emerald Ash Borer in our region. We’re also familiar with the bitter January cold, which right […]

Prominent Dutch Scientist Declares his dissent: ‘You can’t stop climate change by simply turning a CO2 button’ – ‘Doomsday scenario became a kind of religion’ JAS Foundation, Holland Professor Guus Berkhout is setting up a new international climate institute in the Netherlands.   Q: So, everything is fine you would think? Well, at first there was a constructive conversation indeed. But the problems arose when the climate movement started to exaggerate. Terrifying doom stories were spread and human CO2 […]

‘Why make it up?’ Veteran Swiss Meteorologist Slams Media For ‘Making It Up’…NOAA: Polar Vortex Term ‘Nothing New…Appeared In 1853’ By P Gosselin Charismatic Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann posted a comment at Twitter where he wondered what flagship German ZDF television was thinking when its evening news announced the polar vortex was some sort of new phenomenon arising from global warming. Recently in the media we’ve been hearing a lot about the junk science that a warmer Arctic […]

Elizabeth Warren Uses Coldest ‘Polar Vortex’ In Decades To Call For ‘Green New Deal’ To Fight Global Warming

Elizabeth Warren Uses Coldest ‘Polar Vortex’ In Decades To Call For ‘Green New Deal’ To Fight Global Warming From The Daily Caller Michael Bastasch | Energy Editor Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren used the bitter cold sweeping the Midwest and Northeast to announce her full-throated support for a “Green New Deal.” “Our children & grandchildren […]

Claim: ‘Evil whites caused the Little Ice Age by bringing small-pox to America’

Evil whites caused the Little Ice Age by bringing small-pox to America Is it April 1st in London? The BBC is reporting that academics from University College London have discovered that the Little Ice Age was not caused by the record low solar activity of the Maunder Minima, instead it was due to the […]

Abundant polar bear habitat across the Arctic at the start of winter

Abundant polar bear habitat across the Arctic at the start of winter polarbearscience | Polar bear science – past and present Abundant polar bear habitat across the Arctic at the start of winter by susanjcrockford / Today, 13:32 January is the first month of the Arctic winter, the season when most polar bears really […]

Dem Socialist Congresswoman Seeks to Seize GM Property for Her GREEN NEW DEAL Rep. Tlaib Promotes Using Eminent Domain to Seize GM Property to Create ‘Green New Deal’ By Craig Bannister | February 1, 2019 | 1:56 PM EST Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) (Screenshot) On Friday, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) promoted and quoted a video calling for the government to use eminent domain to seize plants closed by companies […]

Bloomberg Doesn’t Practice What He Preaches on Climate Change By Michael Graham Does climate change activist Michael Bloomberg practice what he preaches as a potential presidential candidate? That was the question that Carly, a political-science major from New England College, asked the former NYC mayor during a New Hampshire appearance on Tuesday promoting his new book on climate change—and possibly a 2020 POTUS […]

Actress Ellen Page: ‘Environmental Racism’ Will Cause World to End by 2030 – ‘It’s really serious. We’ve been told, that as we know it, by 2030, the world as we know it, that’s it. That’s it. That’s it!’ By Kristine Marsh Host Stephen Colbert commiserated with Page over the effects of global warming, wondering how they could “get the public and the media to pay more attention to what’s happening.” He added, “There’s such a long time span,” that people didn’t feel it was an immediate threat. The actress disagreed, echoing Alexandria […]