CNBC: Renewable energy is growing too slow to meet climate goals, International Energy Agency warns

CNBC: Renewable energy is growing too slow to meet climate goals, International Energy Agency warns. By Tom DiChristopher | @tdichristopher Renewable energy will continue to grow rapidly over the next five years, but not enough to meet long-term climate and sustainability goals, the International Energy Agency warns. IEA forecasts renewable energy will account […]

New UN report’s ‘grim reading’: Avoiding climate chaos means ‘unprecedented’ change The UN’s 195-nation climate science body plunged deep into overtime Saturday to finalise a report outlining stark options—all requiring a global makeover of unprecedented scale—for avoiding climate chaos. Working through the night, the closed-door huddle in rain-soaked Incheon, South Korea, was to convene a plenary later in the day to hammer through a “Summary […]

Scandal: First ever audit of global temperature data finds freezing tropical islands, boiling towns, boats on land

Scandal: First ever audit of global temperature data finds freezing tropical islands, boiling towns, boats on land by Jo Nova / Today, 04:16 The fate of the planet is at stake, but the key temperature data set used by the climate models contains hundreds of errors and more than 70 different sorts of problems. […]

Climate Bombshell: Global Warming Scare Is Based on ‘Careless and Amateur’ Data, Finds Audit of UN IPCC

Climate Bombshell: Global Warming Scare Is Based on ‘Careless and Amateur’ Data, Finds Audit by Paul Homewood / Today, 05:39 By James Delingpole The first ever audit of the world’s most important temperature data set has found it to be so riddled with errors that it is effectively useless. HadCRUT4 is the primary dataset […]