Secret coal boom in China. Photos show massive construction at “closed” plants. Death of Coal is FakeNews.
China said it would stop coal power construction, but CoalSwarm activists have caught it restarting construction at many plants it said it would close. It’s a tsunami of coal plants according to EndCoal. We’re talking about new capacity of 259GW, equivalent to the entire US coal fleet or more than ten times the total Australian coal fleet (23GW). China said it was done with these coal plants. Satellite imagery shows otherwise. By Nathanael Johnson on Sep 25, 2018 Newly released satellite photos appear to show continuing construction of coal plants that China said it was cancelling last year, according to CoalSwarm. In January 2017, China announced that it was canceling more than 100 coal plants across 13 provinces. At the time, a researcher familiar with Chinese politics said that regional officials might try to skirt the central government’s order. The Huadian Plant was suspended in Jan 2017, but look at those cooling towers…. (Slide the centre line left and right). Satellite imagery from Planet, February 2017 to March 2018, shows construction clearly ongoing at the plant. Matt McGrath, BBC News Building work has restarted at hundreds of Chinese coal-fired power stations, according to an analysis of satellite imagery. […]Rating: 10.0/10 (13 votes cast)