Via: GoLocalProv Political Team
Judge Bob Flanders launches new TV add in Rhode Island.
Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Bob Flanders has launched a new TV ad in which he calls Senator Sheldon Whitehouse a “one-issue” candidate.
[Climate Depot note: Watch Here: NBC News’s Anne Thompson asks Senator Whitehouse: “What would you say to critics who say after 200 and some speeches, all you have really done is produce a whole lot of hot air?”
Whitehouse: Laughs. (see video at 45-second mark)]
Whitehouse has been at the forefront of man-made climate change fears. See: Sen. Whitehouse: ‘Climate deniers’ guilty of ‘grave sin’ & ‘LISTENING TO EVIL VOICES’ – Instead ‘listen to the oceans
But he has been rebuked by scientists for his scientifically incorrect claims: See: Scientist declares Sen. Whitehouse is ‘a complete moron, scientifically’ – Whitehouse ‘believes in the mythology initiated by Al Gore’
By: Ted Nesi
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) – Republican U.S. Senate candidate Robert Flanders is going on the air with his first TV ad, beating Democratic incumbent Sheldon Whitehouse onto the airwaves by a week.
The commercial features an actor portraying Whitehouse who answers “climate change” to every question he gets asked – including what speed he was driving. “If climate change is your only issue, Sheldon Whitehouse is your senator,” the narrator says, before an elderly woman calls Whitehouse “kind of a doofus.”
Flanders spokesman Robert Ensign said the campaign is spending about $125,000 to air the spot on broadcast and cable channels over the next few weeks. The GOP challenger has also been investing in digital ads on Facebook and other platforms.
Whitehouse is seeking a third six-year term in November. The incumbent has amassed a large financial advantage: Whitehouse had $3.43 million on hand as of June 30, while Flanders had $384,000, according to Federal Election Commission reports.
Judge Bob Flanders for U.S. Senate from Bob Flanders on Vimeo.