Trump’s new advisor calls ‘global warming’ a ‘cult movement’ & ‘pure belief disguised as science’
President Donald Trump has fired a huge salvo against the man-made climate change establishment with his pick of new top White House advisor Dr. William Happer of Princeton University. Happer, who has authored over 200 peer-reviewed scientific publications, has ripped man-made “global warming” claims. Happer will be serving in the Trump administration for the National […]
Analysis: Arctic Climate Has Stabilized – Ice Sheet, Glacier, Sea Ice Losses Are Decelerating, Reversing By Kenneth Richard An accumulating collection of “headlines” taken from the 2018 scientific literature is indicating the Arctic region is no longer experiencing accelerated mass ice sheet/glacier loss, warming, or sea ice declines. Image Source: Climate4you I. Ice Sheet/Glacier Mass Loss Decelerating, Stabilizing • “Notable Absence” Of Recent Acceleration In Ice Sheet Loss Lemos et […]
Meteorologist: ‘Prospects for a cold and snowy winter in the eastern US’ *El Nino conditions are starting to appear in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and its specific location raises the prospects for a cold and snowy winter in the eastern US* By Meteorologist Paul Dorian – Perspecta, Inc. August 29, 2018 The current sea surface temperature anomaly pattern features a large and expanding area of warmer-than-normal conditions across […]