In response to a study from the University of Washington posted on WUWT (and elsewhere) today about a shift in the AMOC and a very clear statement about it not collapsing (as posited for collapse by many, including Michael Mann, Dr. Judith Curry gave this response to the Daily Caller’s Mike Bastasch:
Replying to @MikeBastaschWe are watching this closely. In particular we are watching the North Atlantic SSTs. It is possible that a shift to the cold phase of the AMO is underway, which would extend the warming hiatus for ~2 decades.
Right now, here’s what the North Atlantic SST looks like – colder than normal (ellipse mine):
From Ryan Maue (via TR on Twitter): Compared to last year, sea surface temperatures (SST) between 60°N and 60°S are on average 0.14°C cooler — over the past 28-days. What this shows is that SST can be incredibly volatile irrespective of energy uptake.