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Stuart Varney: >>> A study finds, wait for it, increased air conditioner use will lead to nearly 1000 extra deaths and cost the economy $9 billion every year by mid-century. Joining us now, founder, Marc Morano. Let me see if I got this right, mark. It is not the air coming out of the air conditioners. It is energy required to cool the air, so much that it increases global warming and kills people. That is the way this is supposed to work out, correct?
Marc Morano: >> Yes. There have even been calls — because of this alleged crisis — to ration air–conditioning. The problem, even if you buy this study, which actually says, uncertain computer models estimate what is going to happen in the year 2050. If you look at actual data, in 2003, in the month of August, in Europe, 35,000 people died, 14,000 in France alone, from a heat wave. Widely blamed on the fact they didn’t have enough air-conditioning and air-conditioning wasn’t widely available. So as we go forward, you look back to the 1930s, thousands died in heat waves. Heat waves kill. Air-conditioning saves lives. What is interesting in Europe as well, they are actually now trying to ration heaters in the winter, by increasing electric bills. Huge number of senior citizens in England that die every year. This is classic dilemma of humans allegedly causing global warming. Humans, by dealing with it, they have air-conditioning. Now we have the whole thing where the air-conditioning, instead of being available will be restricted to prevent global warming which will cause more lives.
Varney: The public will not buy this. If this is ever put to a vote, we’re not going to vote for it. I just can’t see that how about you?
Morano: No. That is the problem. These are never put to a vote. These are usually done in the back corners of bureaucracy, little things called the Clean Power Plan that Obama, oddly named Clean Power Plan, that Obama Administration passed and now the Trump administration trying to undo. They all happen behind the scenes in bureaucracy, as you slowly get strangled. People ask why is air-conditioning so much, why is heating so much, I would not discount their ability to achieve these controls. Our ability to control indoor air is phenomenal. We can heat and cool. Our ability to control the outside air, climate, weather, temperature, are poorly understood, not even possible. It harkens to medieval witchcraft to think your air conditioner can control the climate.
Varney: Marc, you got to right again. See you, sir.
End Rush Transcript