Reaction to climate decision in Calif. – Activists have ‘once again failed in their efforts to use the legal system to shake-down energy companies’

For Immediate Release:
June 26, 2018

[email protected]

Richardson’s Statement on CA Judge’s Decision Re: Cities’ Frivolous ‘Climate Change’ Lawsuit

Washington, D.C. – Craig Richardson, president of the Energy and Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal), issued the following statement in response to the U.S. District Court of Northern California’s decision to dismiss the lawsuits filed against energy companies by the Cities of Oakland and San Francisco:

“Environmental front groups for billionaires intent on taking over this country’s energy system have once again failed in their efforts to use the legal system to shake-down energy companies. Yesterday’s U.S. District Court of Northern California ruling to dismiss these money-grab lawsuits filed by leftist mayors on behalf of the ‘green cabal’ was the right decision. The courts in New York, Colorado, and elsewhere should follow this court’s lead and dismiss similar lawsuits pending in their jurisdictions.

Sadly, this is neither the first nor is it likely the last attempt by leftist activists to use the legal system in pursuit of their ‘green energy’ ponzi scheme. We saw similar tactics employed recently by disgraced former N.Y. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman when he led a band of leftist attorneys general in a cash-grab effort against ExxonMobil. Our group discovered this dangerous and unprecedented legal scheme was funded by billionaire opportunist Tom Steyer and the Rockefeller Foundation. Each of these cases met a similar fate as those in California. They were either dismissed or withdrawn.

The court was right to weigh the positive contributions fossil fuels have made to our society. We are where we are today because of them. These activists efforts to turn back the clock on human progress by ‘whatever means necessary’ tactics, including filing frivolous lawsuits, must be fought at every juncture.”

About EE Legal

The Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) is a 501(c)(3) organization engaged in strategic litigation, policy research, and public education on important energy and environmental issues. Primarily through its petition litigation and transparency practice areas, E&E Legal seeks to correct onerous federal and state policies that hinder the economy, increase the cost of energy, eliminate jobs, and do little or nothing to improve the environment.

