Fmr. Harvard physicist slams ‘professional propagandist’ James Hansen: ‘There’s nothing worse about the climate of 2018 relatively to the climate of 1988’ Hansen’s testimony: 30th anniversary Tomorrow, it will have been exactly 30 years from the day (June 23rd, 1988) when James Hansen gave a testimony before the U.S. Senate. For the first time, the American politicians were told by a “mainstream looking” active scientist that the global warming would kill us unless we dramatically change […]

Analysis: James Hansen’s 1988 testimony was ‘the end of any pretense in reality with climate science’  by tonyheller On June 23, 1988 NASA’s James Hansen told Congress that global warming had begun. Global Warming Has Begun, Expert Tells Senate – The New York Times One June 22, the night before his testimony, Hansen and Senator Tim Wirth sabotaged the air conditioner in the meeting room. we called the Weather Bureau and […]

Geologist: Cold Facts About Faux Antarctica Meltdown – ‘Rest easy, Antarctica isn’t melting away, and you aren’t going to drown because of it’

WRIGHTSTONE: Cold Facts About Faux Antarctica Meltdown WRIGHTSTONE: Cold Facts About Faux Antarctica Meltdown Photo by MATHILDE BELLENGER/AFP/Getty Images ByGREGORY WRIGHTSTONE June 22, 2018 Nearly all of the major news outlets last week ran attention-grabbing headlines uncritically reporting a supposed crisis of rapidly increasing melting of Antarctica. According to the reporting, accelerated melting of […]

Congress asks EPA IG to investigate conspiracy between Volvo Trucks and Obama EPA staff to destroy glider truck industry

Congress asks EPA IG to investigate conspiracy between Volvo Trucks and Obama EPA staff to destroy glider truck industry You mean there’s problem with a (foreign) company conspiring with the U.S. government to rig emissions tests to kill a (domestic) competitor? SCOOP: CONGRESS DEMANDS EPA INVESTIGATE POTENTIAL COLLUSION WITH LOBBYISTS TO THWART TRUMP’S AGENDA […]

Listen: Morano on The Blaze discussing book: “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.” By Doc Thompson Jun 21, 2018 11:42 am Tired of hearing from the climate change lobby that your car is the problem, not the international roundtrip flights that celebrities take to accept “green” awards? Author Marc Morano joined “The Morning Blaze” today to talk about his new book, “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.” […]

Scientists: 30 Years On, How Well Do Global Warming Predictions Stand Up? James Hansen issued dire warnings in the summer of 1988. Today earth is only modestly warmer. By Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels and Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue June 21, 2018 7:24 p.m. ET James E. Hansen wiped sweat from his brow. Outside it was a record-high 98 degrees on June 23, 1988, as the NASA scientist […]