Record corn yields debunk newest climate scare
Record corn yields debunk newest climate scare Global warming activists and their media allies have been pushing a narrative this week that global warming is producing a corn crisis, but record-high crop yields show the corn scare is just another example of fake news.
Want to save water, species, and trees? Look to free markets
Want to save water, species, and trees? Look to free markets Free-market models and partnerships are increasingly producing better results for conservation than government intervention and over-regulation.
‘Conservative’ attack ads against Pruitt funded by ethanol-linked group
‘Conservative’ attack ads against Pruitt funded by ethanol-linked group “American Future Fund” is a 501(c)(4) dark-money group with deep connections to the ethanol industry.
Hudson Bay ice update: more thick first year ice habitat for polar bears in 2018 than 2004
Hudson Bay ice update: more thick first year ice habitat for polar bears in 2018 than 2004 by susanjcrockford / Today, 04:55 Despite pronouncements from one polar bear specialist that “ice in Hudson Bay is in rapid retreat” a look back in time shows that there is more thick first year ice over the […]