Cheers! Trump to skip climate portion of G7 meeting (CNN)President Donald Trump plans to depart from this weekend’s Group of 7 summit in Canada several hours early, the White House announced Thursday, punctuating an explosion of acrimony between Trump and his foreign counterparts on the eve of the talks. The White House said Trump would depart mid-morning on Saturday, skipping sessions on climate […]
Carbon Fuels Conquered Famine – ‘Biggest expansion in food production started with the invention of coal-powered steam engine’
Carbon Fuels Conquered Famine Carbon Fuels Conquered Famine(but green zealots can let it loose again) The Carbon Sense Newsletter, Jun 2018.To view or print the whole newsletter plus images click: with assistance from our volunteer editors. Please help us to spread some Climate Sense.The Long War on Famine by Viv Forbes, 8th June […]
Former Sec. Of State John Kerry Calls Trump’s UN Paris Accord Withdrawal a ‘Tragedy’ By Alison King Published at 9:36 AM EDT on Jun 7, 2018 | Updated 2 hours ago (Published 4 hours ago) Former Secretary of State John Kerry was a big draw at the International Mayors Climate Summit at Boston University Thursday. “While Donald Trump may have said he’s out of Paris, the American people […]
Climate Scientists “Gone Astray”…”Climate Alarm Bubble Gradually Rupturing”, German Scientists Say
Climate Scientists “Gone Astray”…”Climate Alarm Bubble Gradually Rupturing”, German Scientists Say At the Wall Street Journal, Steven F. Hayward penned a great summary on the current state of the climate movement, telling that the CO2 climate change issue is quickly running out of oxygen. Comparing the movement to earlier environmental movements, Hayward tells us […]
Ocean indicators suggest CO2 isn’t the strongest driver of climate
Ocean indicators suggest CO2 isn’t the strongest driver of climate Most recent NOAA Sea surface temperatures, note the lack of oranges and reds: From the website CO2 is Life: The Most Powerful Evidence Climate Scientists Have of Global Warming…Rules Out CO2 as the Cause Source We have mentioned countless times on this blog that […]
Disappeared: Tide gauges showing negative absolute sea level rise removed from data base
Disappeared: Tide gauges showing negative absolute sea level rise removed from data base Guest essay by Albert Parker Today I was informed of an alarmist claim about the sea levels of Perth, Western Australia, Australia. It started with this story: “In the next eight years our water level is going to increase by about […]
Scientists Find Sun-Driven Temperature Changes Led CO2 Changes By 1300-6500 Years In The Ancient Past
Scientists Find Sun-Driven Temperature Changes Led CO2 Changes By 1300-6500 Years In The Ancient Past It has long been established in the scientific literature (and affirmed by the IPCC) that CO2 concentration changes followed Antarctic temperature changes by about 600 to 1000 years during glacial-interglacial transitions throughout the last ~800,000 years (Fischer et al., […]
More Winning: EPA Administrator Pruitt Proposes Cost-Benefit Analysis Reform
More Winning: EPA Administrator Pruitt Proposes Cost-Benefit Analysis Reform Thank you, Administrator Scott Pruitt — greatest EPA chief ever. Below is the EPA media release and cited Wall Street Journal editorial. ### Cost-Benefit Reform at the EPA Under Obama, the EPA juked the numbers to justify costly regulation. By The Editorial Board June 6, […]