Cheers! It’s Been One Year Since Trump Promised To Leave The Paris Climate Accord By MICHAEL BASTASCH My, how time flies. Friday marks exactly one year since President Donald Trump announced the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris Agreement on man-made global warming. The Paris accord, which the Obama administration joined in 2016, put the U.S. at an economic disadvantage with other countries — namely China and India […]
Listen: Morano discusses new ‘Politically Incorrect’ climate book
Oh Hale YEAH! Published on May 17, 2018 The World spends nearly a BILLION DOLLARS per day to “fight” climate change. How did so many people accept this as a “settled science?” With difficulty, deceit, and precision. Marc Morano makes this case in his latest book: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change. Marc runs […]
Listen: Morano talks about his new book ‘The POLITICALLY INCORRECT GUIDE TO CLIMATE CHANGE’ – 30 min.
MAY 22, 2018 By Marc Morano, H. Sterling Burnett Climate Depot’s Marc Morano details his battle to bring sound science and civility to the climate wars. Marc Morano, publisher of the award-winning, has written a new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change. His book describes the battle to bring sound science and civility to the […]
Myron Ebell: Trump prefers energy dominance to UN Paris climate pact
Trump prefers energy dominance to Paris MYRON EBELL June 2018 Donald J. Trump has made many decisions since becoming President of the United States that have offended the permanent political establishment in Washington; and in foreign policy, he has also shocked political elites in Britain and Europe by doing things that are simply not done. […]
CEI on Paris Climate Decision Anniversary: Trump Should Tell the Senate to Vote It Down
This Friday marks the one-year anniversary of President Trump withdrawing the United States from the Paris climate treaty. The Competitive Enterprise Institute strongly supported Trump’s decision to end U.S. commitment to this harmful and unconstitutional energy-rationing scheme that would impoverish Americans. Despite the strong language of Trump’s statement, CEI is concerned that the president has […]
Border Patrol Warns Illegals Not to Break into U.S. – During Heat Wave – ‘Rising temps create a potentially deadly situation…that endanger immigrants’ lives’
By Craig Bannister | May 30, 2018 | 5:46 PM EDT Illegals storm U.S. border. (Screenshot) U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) issued a heat warning to would-be illegal aliens on Wednesday. The Texas Rio Grande Valley Sector (RGV) release cautions illegal aliens about the dangers of being smuggled into the U.S. during this summer’s “record heat” […]
Study: ‘Global warming’ makes kids dumber – Hotter years ‘mean lower exam results’ By Sean CoughlanBBC News education and family correspondent 30 May 2018 Share this with Facebook Share this with Twitter Share Image copyrightIn years with hotter weather pupils are likely to perform less well in exams, says a major study from researchers at Harvard and other US universities. There is a “significant” link […]
Pruitt reveals EPA staff, political left are behind attacks on him – EPA ‘has been a bastion of the left for many years…& to change that creates a lot of controversy’ Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt is doubling down on his efforts to blame his recent scandals on agency staff and the political left. In a Wednesday interview on a Washington Free Beacon podcast, Pruitt said many of the most high-profile spending or ethics controversies involving him in recent months, like those involving […]
Say what?! THE Atlantic Mag: ‘How Do Aliens Solve Climate Change?’ – Warmist scientists do modeling ‘study mapping out possible histories of alien planets’ – Results are ‘sobering’ SCIENCE How Do Aliens Solve Climate Change? Scientists recently modeled a range of interactions between energy-intensive civilizations and their planets. The results were sobering. ADAM FRANK MAY 30, 2018 Artist’s rendition of the exoplanet Kepler-20e NASA / AMES / JPL-CALTECH The universe does many things. It makes galaxies, comets, black holes, neutron stars, and […]