UN Attempting to Create a Legally Binding Climate Change Pact
https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/29045-un-attempting-to-create-a-legally-binding-climate-change-pact Climate change has become the globalists’ rallying cry — their cause to unite around. A pact such as the one proposed by the UN is not really about the environment; it’s about control. The pact could have far reaching effects, as Climate Depot’s Marc Morano points out, stating: “The U.N. and France are pushing […]
Junk Scientists Weaponising Weather
Junk Scientists Weaponising Weather https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2018/05/13/junk-scientists-weaponising-weather/ By Paul Homewood It was inevitable that “scientists” would eventually blame Harvey on global warming. From the Washington Post: AS COASTAL cities brace for the coming hurricane season, the destruction of the last one is still having a big impact, particularly on the hobbled island of Puerto Rico. And scientists […]
The Science and Climate Ignorance of Society Needs Correcting, But How? Some Thoughts
The Science and Climate Ignorance of Society Needs Correcting, But How? Some Thoughts https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/05/13/the-science-and-climate-ignorance-of-society-needs-correcting-but-how-some-thoughts/ Guest opinion: Dr. Tim Ball Science historians say the Scientific Revolution began with Copernicus when he proposed the heliocentric system that the Earth orbits the Sun. I used to think it was not worth discussing because one in four Americans and […]
Russian efforts to disrupt U.S. energy markets exposed
Russian efforts to disrupt U.S. energy markets exposed http://www.cfact.org/2018/05/13/russian-efforts-to-disrupt-u-s-energy-markets-exposed/ “As the threat of American energy continues to grow, so does the Kremlin’s incentive to influence energy operations in Europe and the United States.” — gReader Pro
New Paper: CO2 Emissions From Biofuels Are Worse Than Coal, Yet EU Says Biofuels Are ‘Carbon Neutral’
New Paper: CO2 Emissions From Biofuels Are Worse Than Coal, Yet EU Says Biofuels Are ‘Carbon Neutral’ http://notrickszone.com/2018/05/14/new-paper-co2-emissions-from-biofuels-are-worse-than-coal-yet-eu-says-biofuels-are-carbon-neutral/ Governments promote biofuels as renewable, carbon-neutral resources that serve to reduce CO2 emissions. Meanwhile, scientists have determined that biomass burning generates more CO2 emissions per kWh than burning coal does, and the projected rapid growth in biofuel […]
DESPERATION – Liberals demanding Pruitt’s resignation over Cardinal Pell meeting
DESPERATION – Liberals demanding Pruitt’s resignation over Pell meeting https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/05/14/epa-administrator-scott-pruitt-met-a-climate-skeptic-accused-of-child-abuse/ Guest essay by Eric Worrall Liberals are pressing for EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s resignation, because he met with Cardinal George Pell to discuss Climate Change. George Pell Secretly Met A Top US Politician In The Vatican To Discuss Climate Change by MAX KOSLOWSKI 14 MAY […]
New Research Report Shows CO2 Has No Significant Effect on Temperatures
http://www.carlineconomics.com/archives/4369 New Research Report Showing CO2 Has No Significant Effect on Temperatures Alan Carlin | May 13, 2018 As discussed last week, several reports have shown in the last year or two that carbon dioxide (CO2) does not significantly affect global temperatures, contrary to endless repetitions to the contrary by climate alarmists and the mainstream […]
CNN: ‘Volcanoes. Geysers. Earthquakes. Mother Earth sure seems angry right now’
https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/14/weather/weather-lava-geysers-hurricanes-earthquakes-trnd-wxc/index.html?no-st=1526347114 (CNN) — Like they say, when it rains, it pours … and erupts and flows and shakes and swelters and blows and generally wreaks havoc around the country. It’s not like we’re looking at the end of times, but you have to admit there’s a lot of wild and scary Mother Nature stuff happening […]
Global Warming: New Study Says Models Exaggerate Warming By Up To 45%
https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/global-warming-computer-models-co2-emissions/ Settled Science: A new study published in a peer-reviewed journal finds that climate models exaggerate the global warming from CO2 emissions by as much as 45%. If these findings hold true, it’s huge news. No wonder the mainstream press is ignoring it. X In the study, authors Nic Lewis and Judith Curry looked at […]