Alarmists Resurrect Dubious Claim That Global Warming Fueled Hurricane Harvey’s Record Rainfall
Alarmists Resurrect Dubious Claim That Global Warming Fueled Hurricane Harvey’s Record Rainfall Global warming isn’t making hurricanes worse — gReader Pro
California to force new home owners to buy solar panels
California to force new home owners to buy solar panels Listen up comrade! You WILL buy solar panels whether you like it or not. As if housing in California isn’t already overpriced and out-of-reach enough, now there’s this hare-brained scheme. From the LA Times: California heads toward requiring solar panels on all new houses […]
Absurd “loss & damage” policy advances at UN’s Bonn climate summit
Absurd “loss & damage” policy advances at UN’s Bonn climate summit Loss and damage is diplomatic code for the idea that the developed countries, especially America, should pay the developing countries for the bad things that they attribute to climate change. This includes pretty much all bad weather, plus the supposed effects of sea […]
Scientists Grant Earth A Reprieve! ‘Originally 350 PPM CO2 was going to kill us. Now it is 410 PPM’
Scientists Grant Earth A Reprieve! Originally 350 PPM CO2 was going to kill us. Now it is 410 PPM. That is why they created, which is now It doesn’t really matter though, because the UN says global warming killed us 18 years ago. A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations […]
Both Sides Ignore the Major Finding of Recent Climate Research
Both Sides Ignore the Major Finding of Recent Climate Research The major development in climate science in the last year or two is something almost no one talks about–strong evidence that changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have no significant effect on global temperatures in the real world over recent decades. The studies involved […]
UN Schedules a Week in Bangkok, After Climate Talks Stall in Germany
UN Schedules a Week in Bangkok, After Climate Talks Stall in Germany Guest essay by Eric Worrall The United Nations has announced a long anticipated extended session in Bangkok, to help climate delegates overcome their differences. Extra climate talks scheduled amid Bonn stalemate Published on 08/05/2018, 7:51pm UN climate officials add a week-long session […]
Hot Dispute Over Money Threatens Paris Climate Deal
Hot Dispute Over Money Threatens Paris Climate Deal Poorer countries fear getting stuck with pricey tab. BONN, Germany — The lack of green is fouling up efforts to hit ambitious targets to reduce pollution — green, as in money. The traditional fight between rich and poor countries over the best approach to climate change […]
Paris Climate Agreement In Disarray As Developing Countries Demand Long-Promised $100 Billion P.A. From Richer Nations
Paris Climate Agreement In Disarray As Developing Countries Demand Long-Promised $100 Billion P.A. From Richer Nations The holdup threatens to unravel three years of work on the Paris Agreement, which set out an ambition to limit fossil-fuel pollution in all nations Two weeks of climate talks organized by the United Nations finished with developing […]
TRUMP: I Still Have Confidence In EPA chief Scott Pruitt – ‘Doing a great job’
TRUMP: I Still Have Confidence In Scott Pruitt ‘Doing a great job’ — gReader Pro
Delingpole: Schneiderman – You Don’t Have to Be a Scumbag to Be an Environmentalist, but It Helps… by JAMES DELINGPOLE 11 May 201814 Why is it that so many prominent environmental campaigners turn out to be such scumbags, sleazebags, hypocrites or frauds? The latest to be exposed is, of course, New York’s ex- Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. When Schneiderman wasn’t busy – allegedly – “choking, beating and threatening” women, he was busy bullying the people he […]