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Study: Environmentalists think they have a ‘moral license’ to pollute By Rick Moran A research team at the University of Michigan conducted a remarkable study that show climate skeptics are more eco-friendly than greens. We conducted a one-year longitudinal study in which 600 American adults regularly reported their climate change beliefs, pro-environmental behavior, and other climate-change related measures. Using latent class analyses, we uncovered […]

Study Confirms ‘Green’ Hypocrisy – ‘Believing in climate change, but not behaving sustainably’ BY JOHN HINDERAKER IN CONSERVATISM, ENVIRONMENT, LIBERALS STUDY CONFIRMS “GREEN” HYPOCRISY In a finding that surprises, probably, no one, a new survey shows that the more a person claims to be concerned about global warming, the less likely he is to behave in environmentally friendly ways: Participants in a year-long study who doubted the […]