The Population Bomb Was a Dud – ‘Ehrlich got it wrong because he never understood human potential’ By William McGurn April 30, 2018 5:55 p.m. ET “Hell is other people.” These oft-misquoted words were written by Jean-Paul Sartre. But it would take a Stanford biologist, Paul Ehrlich, to elevate them into a full-fledged ethos that would be used to justify outrages inflicted on millions of innocent people—most of them weak, vulnerable and […]
National Weather Service Head Is Accused Of Assaulting An Employee. He Denies It
By MICHAEL BASTASCH The National Weather Service (NWS) has denied allegations that director Louis Uccellini physically assaulted a staff meteorologist for mentioning “cooling” during a 2014 presentation on Earth’s climate. “This alleged incident never happened,” NWS spokeswoman Susan Buchanan told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Dr. Uccellini encourages open discussion on all science issues and perspectives, […]
Is climate alarmist consensus about to shatter?
Foreword by Paul Driessen A new study by climatologists Nicholas Lewis and Judith Curry concludes that Earth’s “equilibrium climate sensitivity” (ECS) to more atmospheric carbon dioxide is as much as 50% lower than climate alarmists have been claiming. That their paper was published in the Journal of Climate suggests that the asserted “97% consensus” of climate experts […]
Global warming? The latest news tells a different story
The ‘Science’ Of Climate Change Causing Wars Is Pure Speculation
The Science Of Climate Change Causing Wars Is Pure Speculation There have been many recent claims that “climate change” was the reason for conflicts, with also the war in Syria explained by the anthropogenic carbon dioxide emission. However, this is not settled science, as this claim is wrong. There have been, and there are, […]
1951 : MIT Scientist Predicted Global Cooling Based On Sunspots
1951 : MIT Scientist Predicted Global Cooling Based On Sunspots In 1951, MIT professor Hurd C. Willett predicted 20 years of global cooling, based on sunspot cycles. 07 May 1951, Page 9 – The Pantagraph at The cooling occurred exactly as he predicted. Scientists blamed all bad weather on global cooling, and other […]
Why Dessler et al.’s critique of energy-budget climate sensitivity estimation is mistaken
Why Dessler et al.’s critique of energy-budget climate sensitivity estimation is mistaken By Nic Lewis Plain language summary A new paper by Andrew Dessler et al. claims, based on 100 simulations of the historical period (1850 to date) by the MPI‑ESM1.1 climate model, that estimates of climate sensitivity using the energy-budget method can vary […]
Ending secret science at EPA
Ending secret science at EPA Administrator Pruitt initiates overdue changes to bring transparency, integrity to rulemaking.
Can courts force action on climate change? Sixteen young Alaskans hope so.
Can courts force action on climate change? Sixteen young Alaskans hope so. An Anchorage judge heard arguments Monday on whether a lawsuit brought by sixteen young Alaskans suing the state over climate change should advance. The plaintiffs in the case, Sinnok v. State of Alaska, argue the state is violating their constitutional rights by […]
Climate Change hits CBS series ‘Madame Secretary’ with hilarious results
Climate Change hits CBS series ‘Madame Secretary’ with hilarious results I watched this episode Sunday night, and was laughing by the end of it, because while the writers threw out the ‘Climate Change Is ‘Existential Threat of Our Time’ they also clearly showed that green tech wasn’t up to the task. From Newsbusters, video […]